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HeLLsGamers Leadership


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Recently our community has been restructured in order to become more organized as we push forward and grow as a whole. Part of the restructuring of HeLLsGamers involved new ranks which are explained in detail below. All members of leadership are expected to follow the guidelines for each rank listed below in order for our community to remain efficient and organized.


HG | Council [C]


These are the leaders of HeLLsGamers that govern the entire community. They are far too busy with the big picture than to trouble themselves with day to day problems within the community, instead they are focused on working to help the community to move forward as a whole. Divisional Council and Technical Council are the only ones that report to Council.


HG | Technical Council [TC]


These are the members of leadership with proficient skills when it comes to server management, coding, and other confusing technical tasks. They are in charge of keeping all of our servers up and running, keeping our servers bug-free, and keeping our scripts and mods up to date. The only reason you should contact a member of our Technical Council is if you have noticed a problem with one of our servers. To contact a member of our Technical Council with a bug, please visit the Bug Tracker and post a report.


HG | Divisional Council [DC]


These are the members of leadership who watch over all of the divisions in the community. They are in charge of day to day operations, ensuring that everything is going how it should be. Divisional Council watches over all of the Divisional Leaders and ensures that they are doing what they should do in order to guide their divisions in the right direction. Divisional Leaders are the only ones that report to Divisional Council.


HG | Divisional Leader [DL]

These members of leadership are split up into divisions within our community. Working in teams, the Divisional Leaders watch over Divisional Advisors and Divisional Managers for their division, making sure that they are fulfilling all of the responsibilities that their positions call for. Divisional Leaders are also responsible for promotions and abuse reports within their divisions. Divisional Advisors and Divisional Managers are the only ones who report to Divisional Leaders.


HG | Divisional Manager [M]


These members of leadership are split up into divisions within our community. The Divisional Managers are primarily responsible for creating events for the whole community to participate in but may also help out the Divisional Advisors with some of their tasks. Divisional Managers will get together with their peers to come up with event ideas for their division which the whole community will be able to participate in. When running events and assisting Divisional Advisors, Divisional Managers are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and professional manner. Divisional Managers and Divisional Advisors are equal in rank with a variation of responsibilities, both reporting to Divisional Leaders.


[HG] & HG | Divisional Advisor [A]


These members of leadership are split up into divisions within our community. The Divisional Advisors are responsible for reviewing ban reports, unban requests, and processing clan applications for their division. They are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and professional manner both on the forums and when speaking with applicants. Other than handling reports on the forums and applications, Divisional Advisors are there to help with every day problems that members or friends of the community might have. If they are unable to assist someone that comes forward with a problem due to either lack of knowledge or lack of permissions, Divisional Advisors are to escalate the problem to Divisional Leaders. Divisional Managers and Divisional Advisors are equal in rank with a variation of responsibilities, both reporting to Divisional Leaders.

Edited by JJK
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Thats because we do have some [HG] Advisors. Archer and teh_g are a couple of them.


The people that end up as advisor as a member are extremely knowledgeable and helpful people in their division. :D


Or they've shown themselves as helpful individuals in a short amount of time, being the wait time for veteran is more then a year and you need to show your worth.

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