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CletusP Abuse


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1. Abuser name: CletusP

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:34183082

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: Not more then 30 minutes ago

5. Proof: Below


And so, Cletus screws up again as he has so many times.

So let me explain the situation, I'm a CT Cletus is a T. Lead is telling all T's to go to lower VIP air bubble because he is going to do a trivia day. On the way there Cletus starts to wonder twards blue room and so I am inclinded to shoot and kill him as it is rebelling. Then after he private messages me, cursing at me and calling me a dick. Saying that smoke prevented him from seeing his way... which was straight ahead not to left.




Anyway he is obviously mad at me + He messed up in the past doing an improper slay on me but i let him off on that one as I do all admins. I won't report until after you screw up a second time with me because I like to give admins chances. Then after the T's proceed into lower VIP air bubble lead orders " If they are not in lower VIP air bubble by now, kill them!". So I follow his orders and start killing all I see out side of the air bubble. One of the unfortunate victims is a play that goes as SawdFacePanda, but we'll get to him in a moment. So I take two steps inside to kill some one that is the direct left corner once you enter lower VIP because he is not following orders and to be killed. Then Cletus slays me obviously still mad from a moment earlier that I killed him and promptly team switches me. When lead saw a CT die he thought that a T killed him (me) and ordered "All CT's out of lower VIP" which is what Cletus then started arguing about with me in dead chat, saying I should't be in there, although lead ordered all T's out of air bubble to die. So Cletus Totally disregarded what lead said and slayed AND team switched me out of anger.




Now let's get something straight, I was doing as I was told and not breaking anything wrong. Now if lead did say all CT's out of lower VIP and I still went in (which is not what happened), all that would warrant is a slay for baiting. Regardless of if the slay was correct or not the team switch WAS NOT. It was an improper action and admin abuse on his part.



Now as for the unfortunate victim SawdFacePanda. He was also angry at me, getting snippy and saying I free killed him and what not. Also saying he would make a forum account just to come here and go against my report. Now I have no reason to lie and am not biased against any one, however, I do not like injustice. So I want cletus to be punished. I saw that he was also reported just last month, not even 30 days from today: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/56382-HG-CletusP-ABUSE-DISRESPECT


Thank you for reading and I hope action is taken.

Edited by spartan029
Removed HG tag - Not Member
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  • Executive Council

Pending review.


Waiting for CletusP's reply.

Edited by Kigen
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Foxie, right? You went INTO vip. In doing so you died and gave the T's a gun, thus baiting. You also freekilled the round before, so I teamswitched you. The screenshot, he freekilled me because I couldnt see where I was going because there was smoke, but I did NOT slay him for killing me. Theres no disrespect besides the fact I called you a dick for killing me for running into lower VIP wall.

Edited by CletusP
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  • Executive Council

Cletus, its pretty obvious from the screenshot that the reason he died in VIP was because you slayed him. But what I'm finding to be the more important issue at the moment is why are you using your admin to be disrespectful to players and other admins. (Through the abuse of sm_psay.) Mind explaining to me why this is happening?

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I was using the private message to tell him that he freekilled me, then disrespected him out of anger, I dont know why I got mad, its just a game but I did. I shouldn't have used an admin command to disrespect him but it happened. I dont have the money for admin anymore anyways, I don't play in jailbreak anymore and when I do I end up in the forums. I have already terminated it for this month and wont have it again until I save up enough money, if ever.

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  • Executive Council

Since this seems to be a constant repeat of behavior with no improvement we will be revoking your admin.


Your welcome to donate for VIP in the future, but please don't purchase admin again without prior approval.



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