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Unban Request From Ts3 and Hg Server By Clifford "No!" Kinkade


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Dear Hellsgamers,

Been a longtime to think about my past actions regarding my ban. Had a lot of time to think about what was said. Would just like to apologize for my actions and ask for a second chance. Tell me needs to be done for me to be unban and it shall happen.


Cliff's Unban Request


1. Your in-game name:HG | Clifford "No!" Kinkade

2. Server that you were banned on: Community ban TS3 / All Hg Servers

3. The Banning admin: HG | Jetta / HG | TTAM

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:18237323

5. Reason for ban: No need to bring up the past. Just looking towards the Future.


:) <3 All

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Jessica was talking to a Council member on Skype and was told by him that it was up to Division Leader to unban. Don't really know tho if that is related to this case tho. Not to sure whats up with my request or who it's up to. I'm going post this though to remind people that I do care to get unbanned and let me know if there is anything that can be done by me to help.


<3 All !

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