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Idea for a new server (TF2)


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I've been playing the crap out of a TF2 mod I found recently called FortWars, it's basically a TF2 version of the SourceForts game a bunch of us played years ago. The servers for it that exist now are almost always full, and they're not even that good of servers. If we've got extra space or could kill a server that isn't populated, this'd be an easy way to get a server that was.

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Alright, I'd like to officially propose this as a new server to host. I played a bit late tonight with Dynas and Digitalshot who had never played it and they both enjoyed it. The concept is simple: Two phases per map, build phase and combat phase. The map creates the general limits of the environment (which is usually very open, unlike other maps) and YOU build the base that you're going to have to defend. I've never played GMod, but it was said earlier that the controls for spawning stuff are a lot like that. You have a limited (2m by default) build time which is followed by the combat phase in which you try and get the intelligence. Whoever controls the intel for the duration of their teams timer wins. Props that you build are destroyable through damage. I feel like I'm not really doing it justice by textually describing it, so do yourself a favor if you don't know about this mod and play it! Search for any server on a map that starts with "fw_" for FortWars.


If we end up hosting this, I'm reasonably certain that it would be one of our most popular TF2 servers. Other servers suck currently. They either have terrible admins (lots of abuse), lots of lag like they're hosted off of a personal computer, or have terrible build time/money policies. I would recommend we fill a niche with extended build phase durations and increased max props. This will draw the players that are good at building bases since the standard build length just barely allows you to build a passable base.


Anyway, I'd recommend everyone find a populated server and try this mod out. If you do, please post what you think here.

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