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System Troubles

Princess Luna

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I guess my system is dying or something, because almost everything with it has lost its settings and I guess it has forgotten what does what...


On my task bar, all of the icons are blank pages, and when I click on some of them, an error appears stating something about being unable to pull something out of a cache. Oh wait, scratch that, it's that the program you are using may of been moved, renamed, or deleted, when I have done nothing of the sort!


I just connected to TS for the first time in 3-5 days due to family events, and what do I find? That my TS3 settings and everything else had been wiped clean, so I'm running TS3 for the first time again. (I guess) That means my tags on our TS is gone. Also, None of the tags are showing up, for example, when I click on a Garry's Mod Advisor's name(Pilpest) this shows up in the side bar:



I don't know what has happened to cause this. I was looking on Google Chrome and apparently my Administrator on the computer has disabled some settings, which I haven't done, as I am the Administrator. I hope someone can provide me with some answers. I won't have the funds to get a new system till 2013, so I can't afford for my system to be dying now.

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