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STEAM_0:1:17660320 ("DARK")


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here's who made my list:


Most of these guys like to jump peak when they awp. Smokin & h@m$ter might as well be the same guy 'cause they are jump peak masters.


Smokin play with him at mid on both sides. nothing to figure out really. any angle you take, he jump peaks perfect. ocassionally he leaves mid to spot long A dd early. Play as a T and peak with him. When he spot long, spot it too there will be a CT. you'll prob outpick him because his reaction time isn't anything remarkable. oh, i went 44-120 or something vs him at mid, so i know he cheats. i can get him to peak and move out the way and play that dumb ass game where each of us are constantly missing eachother in the gap. he prob doesn't even know i do that. oh, and who plays mid on T side and NEVER spams through the dd at crossing ct's. oh, and watch him grab a rifle and rush, hahaha what a newb.



4n$w3R I question him oftens, but he is very consistant in his game play, as well has having cal invite experience


Beef Stew cheater


DARK cheater

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lol you are a idiot smokin doesnt cheat at all i speced him a few times he is very legit and been at the server for a while. Hamster neither cheats hamster has been with HG for a long time.


Also Yes answer does wall we all know that and council and staff still haven't made a decision yet to ban him.

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  fuklife said:
Also Yes answer does wall we all know that and council and staff still haven't made a decision yet to ban him.


keep in mind the amount of demos posted overall.

Alot of material to review and analyze in a professional fair manner

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who said hamster is a hacker? ahhhhha, I knew it that he is. JK. Well Bustahax, just to let you know that Hamster and smoking been in the server for quite sometimes, and almost every single admins in there spec him (Moto, fuklife, Me, My bro, and i forgot fews other). They do not hack ok. Well I do get a lot of kills while I was jumping, but that means i hack too? It appear to you that he might be in the air and shoot u death, but it is actually either he shoot you first and jump and as soon as he land he shoot, that's a pro okie.

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so i have to guess his jump peak and prefire him at the top of his jump on ct side to kill. on t side, i can out pick him. you don't believe me. sit mid and don't peak. just prefire the same time he jumps out. watch his pattern. trust me. play him on ct side, he is def not pro. NOBODY can perfectly jumppeak every angle and have the perfect timing to just pop out no matter how randomly you peak. take away that jump peak, he is nothing...and he calls me a waller. You've been watching him? Watch closer. Like i said, i also spam through dd and he sits right in the middle util i line up to spam that spot, then he seems to always be off, just to the right. He's positioning himself around my positioning and timing his jump with my peaks. You wanna play with pros and see how they play, sign up for ESEA. This guys is def nothing more than a cheat. You guys can't play a guy to know if he cheats or if he's just better than you? There are a lot of guys on this server that are better than me. But Smokin cheats. You'll see.

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Okie Bustahax, for the record, I have spec smoking and almost every single good players in that server. And honestly, whenever i join and he's playing, i always spec him for solid 5 or 10 mins to see if he's hacking or not. And about jumping shot, I do that all the time. As soon as you land, you shoot, but it appears to the person you shoot that you still in the air. I would say I killed him most of the times i peeked mid. I'm not saying i'm good, and he's not that good either, it's just he know how to camp right. Okie if you can prove that he hacks, I'll be happy to ban him. So next time when you play with him, get his demo, otherwise stop complaining without any sort of proof =]

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