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How did you spend your Christmas/New years break.


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Sup guys,

Just a curiosity, how did you hellsgamers spend your Christmas and New years Break?.

I spent 5 days on an island filled with Russians, it was pretty cool up to the moment where they took over the restaurant on New Year's eve.


Coney Island? I'm Russian, I know how they can be lol. Its pretty fun. I spent my Christmas in Paris and celebrated new year at home.

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Christmas was spent hanging out with all my family that I haven't seen in way too long.


New years eve was spent hanging out with a bunch of friends back in Texas on a ranch drinking beer and having a good time. Then, waking up new years day and repeating drinking said beer while creating our own version of epic meal time with lots of BBQ, bacon, and an industrial deep frier all day long. Then, we went out on ATVs and shot a shit load of stuff with a vast array of firearms.


Winning? ;)

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