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Abuse Report: -hg- Blakout


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1. Abuser name: -hg- Blakout 2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:14923489 3. What server: Jailbreak 4. About what time: a day ago. 5. PROOF: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Navinator/screenshot/595832927299819972?tab=public 6. Please tell us about the incident: Well I told blakout not to unmute the dead as stated in the screenshot, but he ignored me and went ahead and unmuted andrew. EDIT by BooT: http://i.minus.com/iOByIPRDYq5Nh.jpg so the screen shot doesn't get deleted.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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If this is abuse, then I'm certainly guilty. I unmuted one JB regular who was dead because he was the only player in the server which had the HLDJ music file to facilitate the big cage dance-day that all of the T's wanted to play. Navi was the only one who said a word about it; everyone else went on with the day laughing and having a good time.


Not that this is pertinent to whether or not I abused, but I feel like I ought to mention that he's got a personal vendetta against me stemming from the couple of occasions that myself and a few other admins have had to call Navi out on his tendencies to free-kill and free-slay. I think that's a big part of why he would make an issue out of unmuting a dead T when absolutely none of the players in the server were opposed. To the contrary, everyone wanted to play a pirate day or a cha-cha day (whichever it was), so Andrew volunteered to play the corresponding music. I unmuted him, he played it, the T's danced, the day ended. That's all.

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If he unmuted the player to play music for a "dance day" then this does not constitute abuse. The evidence posted does not fully explain the situation so there isn't really anything that can be done.


On a side note, you two need to get along and stop posting abuse reports with barely any evidence of abuse and wasting leadership's time, we have better things to do than work out a disagreement between 2 jailbreak players and sort through abuse reports of you trying to get each other in trouble.

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