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Aamonkey1 abuse, final complaint from me.


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Once again I have another abuse report.


I have a witness, his name is Veto Scalletta, he got banned by Aamonkey1 for "RDM".


When aamonkey raided our base, I shot him. 1 Minute later hes walking back with a banelli looking like hes going to shoot up the place again, so veto kills him and gets banned 10 seconds later.


Meanwhile, he asks my to play on another server. So I take up the chance to sell the weapons we had, 2 crates of Mac 10s and Banelli shotguns.


So I ask Aamonkey1 if he wants to buy the weapons for 3k since I have to leave in the first place, he says okay hold on.


Here comes "ComeAtMeBro" with him, the mob boss, which is also a admin that shares the same traits with Monkey.


Aamonkey says "How about I just kill you" and boom, I'm dead. I demote him for a RDM and he says "Nope, not a random. It was a robbery."


First of all, you can't rob someone like that. Thats called a random kill, and you should know that since your a beautiful admin.


I'm going to be perfectly honest. Monkey is a sad excuse of a admin and shouldn't be on the staff, hes a prick. Plain and simple. He plays for his own benefits and if one player kills him or raids him he gets so mad he deliberately finds a reason to ban that person.


I am no longer playing on servers with Aamonkey, I've had enough with his bullshit and I'm leaving it up to other admins to deal with his stupidity.


I've filed 3 complaints before this, this is my final, I won't need to file a complaint on him anymore because I won't be playing with the prick on servers anymore.


No proof because we were using microphones, he shot me and I spawned a split second later. Not giving me enough time to tap the F12 key to get valid proof.


Add Gangster1597 on STEAM, he'll tell you the entire story before he got banned.


This took place at 10:44 PM 1/10/12 on the DarkRP-HG server.

Edited by SuperSkreech
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•When an admin uses his or her powers for their benefit only or when they user their powers against other players for no reason. <---


I beleive that fits his exact description.


Yeah thats a rule but unless you can prove it we will not do anything and word of mouth is not valid.


Unless you have proof this will go no where.

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without proof nothing can be done, hearsay will not be taken as proof.


after looking at logs nothing of abuse happened no admin command was used your friend was not banned he left right after killing aamonkey. But Spartank if you do continue to play in our servers plz do not disrespect other players or admins on the servers.


Not Abuse

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