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War Inc. Battlezone Updated


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You can now switch between camera that has aim in the middle of the screen or above center of the screen from Options screen. Be default it is set to center.

Moved SMG to Secondary slot (was in Primary)

Added collector's edition (offer will be shown to you randomly at the start of the game, also it will be available shortly in our web store)

New weapon sounds for AKS74U and Bizon

Fixed lag when new player joins the game


Bug fixes:

You can no longer change weapons while sprinting

Adjusted camera offset when switching camera left\right side

Fixed bug with footsteps playing while jumping

When in UAV Mode, the game now correctly updates game score

Fix for a problem where shooting and then changing weapons caused the light to remain. Now when you change weapons the light is disabled.

Fixed spectator mode not showing players in correct teams

Fixed bug that ping wasn't showing when in spectator mode

Fixed mines not triggering properly

Fixed big map not showing flags\enemies.

Set chat input limit to 128 characters

Fixed bug when you were able to fire all bullets at the same time

Fixed bug when scoping and firing causing a camera to tilt up

Fixed bug when sometimes player would jiggle wildly next to the wall

Don't give any rewards for team kills except for team kill penalty.

Fixed bug with picking up RPG and not being able to deal any damage

Fixed bug when crouching you can clip wall and see through it or even shoot through it

Fixed AFK timer for Sabotage games

Fixed bug that was allowing to switch weapon while placing mine

Allow to spawn UAV if it was destroyed in pre-game phase

Weapon upgrades disabled in sabotage games

Fixed bug showing 5000 GD in welcome package.

Fixed bug that player was able to jump on almost vertical surfaces

Auto join to next map will not join players to custom games anymore



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