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Admin Abuse | Plastered #RA


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1. Abuser name: [HG] Plastered #RA

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:41344147

3. What server: HG Jailbreak Server

4. About what time: About 10 minutes ago.









6. Please tell us about the incident:


Incident #1

Plastered was constantly slapping another player round after round. I asked him why he was doing so and he responded that the person he was slapping was his friend from Germany. I kindly told him that I believed it's against the rules. He responded by saying "I believe I know that. I'm a member. I've been around". If he knew that it was against the rules, shouldn't he have not done it in the first place? I told him that I thought it was still abuse and he responded by telling me to make a report. Well, here I am...


Incident #2

Plastered was constantly using all chat to laugh and give his opinions on an opinionated day. He was dead mind you. I didn't think much of it since we all make mistakes hitting the wrong chat keys (i.e y and u). Anywho, him and another admin kept talking on all chat so I told them that they shouldn't be doing so, again, without any hostility. He responded by saying "Shutup Melvinz and quit being a bitch." Then he says that "using all chat is the least of an admin's worries" and that I should get on their "level", make reports, and do other "shit". He then used all chat again to tell everyone in the server that if they had any problems with the admins, to message me (err.. OK?). He then writes another all chat message telling everyone to type 1 if they had fun on late night JB (to which no one responded...).


I'm not the one to tattletale and I've refrained myself from writing reports in the past. The thing that bothers me with this particular incident is that there seems to be a lack of respect by admins towards each other. I've seen a lot of admins duking it out in admin chat and it just shows you immaturity for one, but more importantly, that the clan might not be as close as a lot of people perceive it to be.


Anyways, I don't want to take anymore of your time so with that, I conclude my report.



Edited by mccaincracker
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This is ridiculous. The JB server had 15 people on it max, most of them were regulars. Zeldadaar and I were the only admins on and everyone was enjoying their late night JB rounds. Melvinz logged on and off occasionaly but not before putting his two sense in about how us admins were playing. His trolling with "umad plastered" and such pissed me off so yeah i told him to make a report and stop bitching. There are two sides to every story, and his accusations of my name calling dont accurately depict them. I asked any of the players if they had a problem with what was happening and to message Melvinz if they did for him to add to his report and since there is no additions besides his own acount, im assuming NOBODY was upset with how I was administrating the server.


MElvinz - your sole purpose on the server last night was just to troll myself and Zald, you didnt take part in anything else. You told me you would "talk to Prius about my behavior" and even after the server was on my side you continued to antagonize and provoke this situation.

Edited by Plastered
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Well you got one thing right, you are a memeber, and you have been around....So that means you should know the damn rules. You shouldn't be slapping people for any reason, I don't care if he's your lover. Don't do it. You obviously do not know how to use your admin, so take this time and read these rules i've posted for you, about admin and using admin chat. You are not above the rules.


If you feel another admin is not acting accordingly then feel free to make a report, and someone will take care of. No admins should be taking actions into their own hands.





I better not see this again. Your a member and represent Hellsgamers.

Edited by Jake
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I was going in and out of the server because my internet kept dropping. If you're under the assumption that I was doing it just to make you upset, I apologize.


As for the "u mad Plastered" comment, that was said AFTER you told me to "stop being a bitch". I'm not going to swear and make crude remarks back to someone because of a situation in a video game.


I also said "let's see what Prius has to say" and not that I was going to talk to Prius about your behavior. I had a similar conversation with him 2 days ago and he informed me that if admins are breaking rules that I should make a report. Hence the reason why I wanted to get his opinion.


If you can provide proof that the server was "on your side", I'll eat my hat. FYI, you must have forgot about the T that said that the "admins must be having problems" after you're attempt to make me look bad in all chat.


As admin, our responsibilities are to enforce the rules. If we can't uphold to them, can we really blame any non-admin player that doesn't either?

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