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Please Please Pretty Please unbann me

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In game name Tdogg gOahEadMakEmyDaY

banned from all 10 man servers

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35924729

Banning admin BigJohn

reason-for being a complete dummy repeatedly doing what i was told not to. I am sorry for what i did. I am also sorry to any member/nonmember who was offended because of what i said. i am young, and i am immature, i know that. Probably my biggest flaw. I get extremly cocky at times and try to smart off and be funny when in reality all it does is get me into trouble. I am working on this and appologize for when i did it in the past. I am especially sorry to big john for disrespecting him, and monkey as well. please please pretty please consider my unbann... Tdogg:sad2:

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