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-hg- Toxic Abuse


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1. Abuser name: -hg- Toxic

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:43657869

3. What server: [HG] Jailbreak

4. About what time: 6:50 EST

5. PROOF: http://enigmoweb.com/hg/uploads/toxicabuse.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident: Toxic was abusing all chat, like usual. This isn't the only time, but hl2.exe crashed when i was trying to get screenshots so that is all i have..

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3 things,

1 it was 230 am and 14 people were inthe server

2.i was alive when i did it

3.enigmo joined right when i did it and made a fuss out of nothing noone cared/ people were laughing having fun isnt that the purpose of this server. entertainment not somthing just so people will get introubble for stupid shit? honestly at 3am it shouldnt matter. but i understand if you think im wrong.

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It could be 5pm in the afternoon for all anyone cares and just because no one else asked you to stop abusing all chat doesn't mean its right! You payed for admin to help hg and make it better, not spam the server in all chat. Also, excuses don't make anything better - I learn that the hard way..


Also stop making shit up and wait for staff to reply.. Thanks!

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whats more important the people in the server being entertained or... a admin not typing in all chat. this server was made for entertainment not so people can be tattle tales and go on forums just because everyone else is having fun.

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Why do you need to use all chat to entertain people? Why can't you use normal chat, a mic or even dead chat because there are always people that are dead..! The use of all chat is for warning players not trying to be funny. Take a look at admin rules, I'm sure it doesn't say "All chat is for being funny", but more like "All chat is used for warning wrong doers". Please wait for staff to reply..

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  • Executive Council

No real need for the aruging.


So, ya, it doesn't matter what time it is in the morning. The same rules apply to admins as during the day.

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