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Complaint Against [HG] Kevin (SS in link)

Homicidal Lemur

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Yesterday, January 21st, 2012, I was online on the GMOD PERP server. I was playing the role of a police officer and I recieved a 911 call (seen in the screenshot) for assistance at the Bank. I responded to find Kevin, who made the call. As I was about to type to ask him what the issue was, he took out an Uzi and gunned me down. [HG] Kevin addmitted to calling 911 with the specific intent of killing me. That falls under the jurisdiction of the rules against RDM, as I was responding to a call in a public area, ergo not owned by him and not his property so self defense does not apply. Also this is breaking Rule 21 under the F1 menu which states that you are not allowed to break laws and act out with the specific intent of drawing police attention.


I would also like to add that while I was trying to talk to him in OOC chat he repeatedly spoke in IC chat, and then accused me of metagame when my intention was to discuss in OOC chat in the first place. It is my understanding that discussions regarding rules are to be left to OOC chat.


My IG name is Benito Lombardi.


For some reason the picture doesn't want to upload here. It may not be compatible. I'm attaching a link to my Flickr page, which is public.

1.22.12 Complaint Evidence for [HG]Kevin


Thank you for your consideration.

Edited by Rizon
Its not Cletus, its Kevin. I spologize Cletus haha
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For one, this isn't cletus, this is [HG] Kevin.


2. You were using /ooc incorrectly when you could have used /pm to contact this said person and slove the issue, plus this is not evidence of him rdm'ing you and this it situational evidence tell him and about only you misusing /ooc. unless you have addtional proof there is nothing i can do.

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Wrong name in thread sorry. And what proof is needed besides this? Do I need the console message? I assumed that because Kevin (not Cletus, again sorry) said he called because "i wanted to kill you" that that falls under improper use of the 911 feature. If I should do something differently in the future, I would like to know so as not to waste anyone's time. I apologize as I am new to the HG forums.

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It's all good, you did your report right no issues on that, but with the RDM issues i will talk to kevin personally and solve the issue.


At this point i will close the thread and mark it as reviewed unless you have more to add, thanks.

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