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TCG10737: Disrespect to other admins, Does not have any common sense


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1. Abuser name: tcg10737

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:41725162

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 1/20/2012 and 1/22/2012 at 6:40 PM Pacific


First Pic for 1/20/2012: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/ei/2012-01-20_00009.jpg

Second Pic for 1/20/2012: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/dy/2012-01-20_00008.jpg


First Pic for 1/22/2012: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/fb/2012-01-22_00007.jpg

Second Pic for 1/22/2012: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/e6/2012-01-22_00006.jpg

Third Pic for 1/22/2012: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/jk/2012-01-22_00008.jpg


6. Please tell us about the incident:


On the 20th we had fight how he started complaining in admin chat how i kicked Polo for an invalid reason. He tried to explain to me how when players use the word "Jew" they use it as a racist term against the Jewish People and maybe anti-semetic to Judaism itself but he kept on complaining so i dropped it and talked to other admins like Ur' Shulgi and Jake and both of them backed me up.


On the 22nd their was a player with an offensive name called "They Call Me Jew" the player tried to explain how his name was jew smith but i still told him to change it because his name can be taken a wrong way. Now i wrote in all chat that he needed to change his name because it can still be taken anti-semetic/racist to the Jewish People like me but then tcg10737 wrote in all chat that it wasnt racist and he didnt need to change it and what really made me mad that he said it a second time. The second time shows how he was giving disrespect to me as an admin and how he went out to disprove what i said. The kid is young and he needs to be told between whats right and wrong.

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You are right i did tell you multiple times jew isn't a race the first kick was debatable because you gave no warning to that guy to not say that just instantly kicked which you do all the time after many admins say you have to warn. But you freaked on out a guy named "They call me jew" for no reasons after not only me but two other admins told you that it is not offensive and to leave him alone you didn't take it back so me and the two other admins told him that he did not have to change it because it offended nobody you just get butt hurt for no reason if anyone even says the word Jew.



And isn't calling me young a bit hypocritical? You are 14.

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The First Kick became a kick right away due to disrespect to another admin too.


Second i did not freak out i did what all admins are SUPPOSE to do which is tell him to rename himself. I'm butthurt because i found it offensive myself because im jewish and im somebody thats why i told him to change it. Now dont say nobody found it offensive because you have no idea what your getting yourself into going all out and explaining how you know what every single little player are thinking on the server.


BTW: Im 16 hypocrite

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You had 3 admins telling you it's not offensive and this guy has been on the servers for weeks if anyone was offended they would have said something.


Thats because nobody cares because nobody finds it offensive but me. IM JEWISH AND I FOUND IT OFFENSIVE i just started playing again on the server and i just met him thats why i told him to change it. Their are only 13 million jews in the world while 7-8 billion people in the world thats why nobody said nothing because their is a small chance that another jew plays on the server.


Get your facts straight its offensive and you just dont care because u have nothing to do with it.

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Look if it is offensive to an admin which it was to brian about the name change then yes he has the right to warn,kick, etc. Now instead of fucking arguing in all chat (which you did) and go against another admin in all chat is very unacceptable.


Don't fucking over step each other in the fucking servers especially in all chat.


If you have a concern about how something is dealt with or dispute about how an admin deals with disrespect FUCKING AS THEM INSTEAD OF JUMPING THE GUN.

And then if you are still unsure bring it up to us.

Arguing makes both of you look like jackasses in our servers and im not going to let you guys make HG look retarded.



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