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You should definatly get a new video card, the Intel 82945G is an Onboard Chip, it is extremely standard; doesn't even let you use photoshop, let alone play video games. You need something like a NVIDIA or ATI GPU.


If considering a new video card, what is your price range?


I would suggest upgrading your RAM aswell, for the times we are in, I would say that 4GB is the bare minimum that you would want.

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I wouldn't go for that man, it's still fairly bad for the price you are wanting to pay. If you are wanting to use it for a few more years that is not the choice. It can't even run CoD4 in max settings.


I'd suggest searching for the best AMD Radeon you can get for your price. I can't really judge as we are in different countries, im not sure on your best stores and what your relative GPU prices are in comparison to Australia.

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darkkiller, your first issue is that you have a gateway computer. Next: your processor is very very bad, as is your integrated graphics. On top of all that your three gigs of ram just isnt going to cut it. To be perfectly honest dont even bother upgrading that thing, just build yourself a new rig from scratch. (My apologies if that seems extreme but thats really what you should do in my opinion, otherwise just play with what you have, its not worth it to upgrade).

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darkkiller, your first issue is that you have a gateway computer. Next: your processor is very very bad, as is your integrated graphics. On top of all that your three gigs of ram just isnt going to cut it. To be perfectly honest dont even bother upgrading that thing, just build yourself a new rig from scratch. (My apologies if that seems extreme but thats really what you should do in my opinion, otherwise just play with what you have, its not worth it to upgrade).


+1 Agree.


Also: Windows XP 32-bit, and even some BIOSs (As well as pretty much all generic motherboards.) have a certain limit on the amount of virtual memory that can be unlocked and used from your physical memory. This limit varies but it's usually less than 4Gb, and more like 3.25Gb. So you'd also have to either upgrade your processor to a 64-bit one, as well as purchase a 64-bit version of windows.


Or you could change your motherboard, and/or BIOS settings to try to adjust that limit. Regardless of the above options you would need to spend upwards of $250 to even make a noticeable dent in your FPS and graphics detail.


Keep in mind: a simple GFX upgrade might make enough of a small difference in your performance. So that means you probably want to shop extensively for a good deal

to maximize those $100 (Depending on where you live, and the available sockets on your MoBo, check out the clearance or deals section at newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Store/Category.aspx?Category=38&Tpk=video%20card), OR just save yourself the money and get an real upgrade like Darkwing suggests.

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darkkiller, your first issue is that you have a gateway computer. Next: your processor is very very bad, as is your integrated graphics. On top of all that your three gigs of ram just isnt going to cut it. To be perfectly honest dont even bother upgrading that thing, just build yourself a new rig from scratch. (My apologies if that seems extreme but thats really what you should do in my opinion, otherwise just play with what you have, its not worth it to upgrade).

can i upgrade my processor and motherboard and video card

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can i upgrade my processor and motherboard and video card


it will cost you a lot more than $100 to do this, it would be better in the long run to build a new machine as stated above. Im no technical geek, but from whats stated above, if you upgrade the processor, motherboard and video card, you may well run into other problems, and of course you still have to buy a 64 bit version of windows!

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can i upgrade my processor and motherboard and video card


No it wouldn't be worth it like I said previously. There are other factors then just that, ie. that your case probably has terrible cooling considering its a gateway, also the ram you have currently might not be compatible with a new motherboard. Your best options are to either live with what you have, or save up and spend the extra money on a new rig.

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