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ITT: Weird things that have happened to you while playing HG servers

Dirk Diggler

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Inspired by a little bug earlier I want to ask the community of weird experiences/bugs/glitches they had while playing HellsGamers.


1. I was specing in JB and somehow got a hold of an M16. I thew it to a live player who somehow lost his knife, turned red, and got killed LOL.


2. This actually happened earlier where i was rebelling (REPRESENT) and every time i shot a CT they got sent to the electric chair.


Any reasons for this glitches/bugs would be nice too.

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You mean, except for random people adding me cause I used my mic, then straight up creepin asking me for a picture of my feet?


Yesterday DNA and I went raiding in PERP, he got killed, I killed the other guy and thought before I'd go back to spawn I'd finish him off. the moment I put a bullet through his head he somehow revived instead of dying and we were both like "huh?" :)

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