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Our Newest Graphics Team Member!


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But most don't.


There are currently only 5 people with the G tag.


If there are other people who deserve to be part of the graphics team, I'm sorry that you were left out. I'll ask the DA's and DM's to gather some names of who should get the tag.

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We aren't just giving it out to anyone that uses photoshop. Cletus asked to be apart of the team so ENIGM0 and I gave him a trial period so we could see the type of work he is capable of, he was denied the position. We want to take our roles seriously, and not have people join the group that aren't deserving of it.

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Congrats g1L!!! I've seen some of your work and you have some great stuff! :D


Very well deserved mate, I might come to you shortly with some work :)



It sucks that I have to say this but if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut.


Fucking this.

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