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Bring faithless back!!


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nope.avi Faithless made a mature desicision and i respect it. I am sure if he gets some free time he will be on.


I agree with this, if Faithless chooses to forgo the community at whatever his life circumstances change to, then let him do it. No one should be forced to stay in a community especially if they have more important things.


you know nothing


PM me about it, since it appears you know more than meets the eye

Edited by enigma#
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I miss him :( it would be cool but it wouldn't be nice to spam him lol


Don't be so selfish. Faithless made a mature choice. He has school, a girlfriend and real life. Video games comes after all that.


So my answer is no.


We all know Jessica's answer about everything is final. Lets not argue

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faithless is a great dood the point in this, is to show him we care about him, its still his choice if he wants to come back or not, be nice to have him around again


He knows we care about him but he's dealing with some pretty big things in real life. No reason to add any more stress by us constantly nagging him to come on.

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