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Shy children could be labelled as mentally ill

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Oh, your Mom died? Here have some pills.


Aw, these pills taste like Diazepam. Where is my Pentazemin?


Screw it, I'll take both of them, At the same time!



On topic, so I'm an Interweb Addict. Am I mentally ill? Do I need to be committed? I don't think so... But, this is on children... But I was shy as hell as a child, and I turned out absolutely fine!

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Meanwhile, long established mental illnesses remain ignored and misunderstood...




There's four of me saying Hello Jella =D




In all seriousness, I think it's extremely stereotypical for one to think that all psychiatrists do are "prescribe meds".

All medications and psychiatric 'consultations' (note the quotes) are generally done on the basis of risk vs reward.


In this case, if the risk of you taking for example (quetiapine/risperidone), there are significant side effects, when you choose to take it. The reward (which is stopping psychotic/schizophrenic effects) better outweigh it.


A few years ago, my psychiatrist talked to me about this entire ordeal, it's a sad mess. I don't know how it is in the States or in the United Kingdom but the psychiatrists here WILL NOT prescribe medication unless they believe that the rewards sufficiently (or significantly, depending on circumstances) outweigh the risk.


In regards to the comments about internet addiction and introversion, it's quite possible that the prolonged isolation from physical social contact can influence this. This entire nature vs nurture debate plays a significant role in this. I do not however agree that it will CAUSE this. Mind you, alot of this stuff says 'could' and it does hold truth. It is quite possible given a poor bring-up, just the right personality, plus being introverted, with social abandonment COULD cause significant mental illness.


Statistically speaking, it is less likely. As usual titles love to be sensationalist as well so I also wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by enigma#
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Eh I never really trusted therapists/psychiatrists anyways. But you guys that are replying negatively do realize that this article is against expanding the number of psychiatric disorders right?


There's nothing wrong necessarily with adding the amount of psychiatric disorders. It is more important to ensure that people are correctly diagnosed and assessed. As well, these said 'addendums' should be assessed clearly.

This is IMO where personality psychology, abnormal psychology, culture clash. There are a lot of cultures where certain things may seem 'normal' when they are not in other cultures.


Previously (but not now anymore), certain people coming from certain asian cultures seemed 'hypoactively sexual', 'cold', 'aloof'. It may seem that they have HSDD (hypoactive sexual desire disorder) but not really, it's due to the upbringing.


It goes back to understanding culture, humanity, and psychology as a whole NOT just through psychiatric research. Nothing wrong though with the latter though.


With more studies and time into human behaviour, I'm sure we may see an reduction in necessary diagnoses.


It's the fact that there are a lot of possible misdiagnoses and co-morbidity conditions that's where it cause issues,



IMO that's where the issue is.

Edited by enigma#
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