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Unban Requests PERP 3.0

Jon Wall

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Here Is the Reason I Got Banned : 4. Reason: Racism> yeah i have no idea and here is the chat \/

[OOC] bobulu101: is wigger racism? just asking

[OOC] CoolAcorn: lol

[OOC] nope.avi: idk

[OOC] Deathyy: wigga*, its not racist then.

[OOC] Daniel: when a black guy says it, its racist

[OOC] bob marley: is n****r

[OOC] Daniel: i mean

You have earned $48 from your unemployment check. (5% Income Tax) It has been sent to your bank account.

[OOC] bobulu101: n***a isnt racist

[OOC] nope.avi: yeah it is

[OOC] Daniel: if a black guy says "wigger" its not racist

[OOC] bob marley: lol

[OOC] bobulu101: no it is nope.avi you obv havnt lived in the hood

[OOC] Daniel: but if a white guy says the n word, its racist

[OOC] Deathyy: Words are only racist if you are offended seriously by them.

[OOC] [HG] Kevin.: woah 3 racism thanks ban report

[OOC] bob marley: lol

[OOC] KommanderJ: Any form of the "N" word is illegal on this server

And I Ment For It To Be A Question Not To Be Banned Well It Is My First Time Even Saying That Word In The Server So I Think I Should Of Not Have Been Banned So Yeah...

Edited by Rizon
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Follow the template, that what we have it there for so we can better assist you.


ANY type of racism that is used, even if you twist how you say it and any kind of shape or form.

We have a zero tolerance. why should u be unbanned?

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