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MrX Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: Mr. Xâ„¢


2. Server that you were blacklisted on: ALL SERVERS.


3. The Blacklisting admin: Unknown


4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:60781


5. Reason for blacklist: Unknown


After finding I was banned, a friend of mine told me that a specific steam group anyone was in they was all banned from HG servers.. So, I left almost all my groups.. I normally joined ANY group invite regardless of what it was, cause I didn't mind nor care, but if being in groups bans me from other servers.. I now refuse to join any.


I didnt know if I was suppose to put the [uNLISTED[ There or not.. I realize I probably wasnt suppose too.. Also.. I liv ein Canada, and for Zipcode on my profile I put 62864, because my Actual Zipcode L1H7Z9 wont fit.

Edited by Tengauge12
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