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Two friends who are a couple (who will remain nameless) stayed with me and my wife this last week because they had no money (literally 80 cts in their bank account, and a maxed out credit card) for gas to drive the 30 miles out of town and back to their house until payday yesterday.


These two have had a small spot of bad luck lately with hitting a deer with their car and such, so we decided to be nice and let them stay with us.


We got paid (at our my second job) last night, and I swear to gosh these are the first words I hear out of the guys mouth.


"I Think I'm gonna buy the new twisted metal after work."


I flipped a lid.


"Dude, you almost died of starvation last week and had to stay with us for 3 days, you don't need twisted metal, you need to pay off your credit card!"


I'm still 100% sure that he left work with twisted metal yesterday.


I am convinced Gamerhallism exists and it is indeed a disease. What do you think?

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If they dont owe you any money, then let stupidity continue till it affects you.


Just warn him that you wont bail him out for buying video games with no cash.


Them staying with us most definitely affects us, but more importantly they have a kid to take care of...

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If they continue this, call Child Services, because they probably shouldn't be raising a kid if they're broke and choosing video games over paying off bills and putting food on the table.


Since they've displayed this behaviour, next time they ask for help, tell them no. If the only way they can learn is the hard way, then that's their problem. (trust me, I love gaming, but I'm a student. I only buy new games when its something massive, like BF3 or CSGO. Its definitely not a disease, its impulse control, and it sounds like they have none of it)

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I've always thought that it could be considered a poor excuse for psychological addiction. I think it has a lot more to do with lacking the ability to prioritize than anything. If it wasn't that, he'd probably be using something else for escapism. Maybe he'd go to the strip club every night instead.


I have a few games every season that I lock on to and pick them up on release, but I also make sure I can eat and not default on my car loan before I commit the money. Feels like he needs to grow up.

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