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Admin Abuse/Stupidity


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1. Abuser name: [HG] Blakout

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:14923489

3. What server: HG Jailbreak

4. About what time: 9:00-9:15am EST

5. PROOF: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dont_Aim_At_Me/screenshot/470861971337032938

6. Please tell us about the incident: Well first of all this guy just gives an attitude every time he talks and never shuts the hell up about it, secondly he starts giving me an attitude for telling him to stop delaying so he dies and I say "don't give me an attitude for no reason fk off". So the next round starts and he decides to slay me with no reason, but i'm sure what the reason was. He's still acting smug and being a dick mostly cause the admin power got to his head but I'm not here for that, anyways yeah look into that thanks, can't stand idiots like him and I rarely do these reports cause most admins are fair.


If ya need more info I'll be happy to describe everything.

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Yeah, the guy pretty much left out the real "crux" of the issue on this one. Everything he said regarding the smug attitude and all is 100% true (huehue).


Nah, the reason the guy was slayed at the beginning of the round was because during the PREVIOUS round, he was leading. There were 3 terrorists alive. He goes "Alright, here's how we will decide LR. At 3:00, all T's type either 1 or 2 in chat. The odd man out dies. If you all type the same number, the last one to type dies." So, when 3:00 rolls around, two of the terrorists type 1 in chat. The third terrorist doesn't respond. So Blazen shoots one in the head. After doing so, we realize he has just killed one of the guys who typed 1 in chat, instead of the T that didn't type at all. 10 people immediately go "You killed the wrong guy, slay yourself." Blazen checks chat, realizes he has killed the wrong T, but then continues with the LR instead of slaying himself. I tell him 3 or 4 times "Listen, you killed the wrong guy. You gotta slay yourself. He doesn't, so at the outset of the next round, I slay him.


It's very, very interesting that you left that not-so-minor detail out of your story.


If the staff who reviews this report would like, I will seek out additional players who were in the server at the time to corroborate the part about the freekill.





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While this report is up I may as well post these now:


Abuse: http://beta.zhost.hellsgamers.com/image/2012-02-16_00013_0.jpg


That occurred last night; he just kicked the guy for no reason, didn't specify one and gave him no warning before the kick.


I told him about it in admin chat but I got no response from him.


Some baiting as lead: 1, 2, 3 and 4


I haven warned about baiting, as he has done this on more than one occation; I seemed to delete the warning or 2, but reguardless he's an admin.

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While this report is up I may as well post these now:


Abuse: http://beta.zhost.hellsgamers.com/image/2012-02-16_00013_0.jpg


That occurred last night; he just kicked the guy for no reason, didn't specify one and gave him no warning before the kick.


I told him about it in admin chat but I got no response from him.


Some baiting as lead: 1, 2, 3 and 4


I haven warned about baiting, as he has done this on more than one occation; I seemed to delete the warning or 2, but reguardless he's an admin.


Regarding the initial JPG about the kick:


That player "Iwill'P on you" or whatever his name was, was called out for freekilling as you can see by Angel's screenshot. People were saying "just slay yourself" and "stop wasting admin time." The reason it was a kick is because it was the third or fourth occassion that the particular player had been acting up with FKing and baiting resulting in Ts acquiring weapons. I had warned him, slain him and moved him to T all prior to this kick. Admittedly, I did not type out a reason to accompany the kick, but the guy knew very well why he was recieving it.


Regarding the screenshots of me standing behind T's:


I often have to do this during my days in order to discern what the players' names are. For some reason, unless I'm aiming at them with the AWP, I very often get a bug that doesn't make their name pop up whilst looking at them. However, me standing behind T's like that never results in T's getting baited and I virtually never get knifed because I'm baiting. If Ts are ordered to be on deagle cage wall, facing deagle cage sign and frozen (as they are in the screenshots), standing behind them would require the T to break the orders in order to be baited. They would have to turn around to "accidentally" knife me, which would be breaking the orders in the first place.


Angel took those shots because he has a grudge against me. I refused to participate in a "BlakOut vs. 11 Terrorist" knife day, and ever since he's been trying to catch me on stuff.


Sorry for the time required to read and decifer these posts,



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Regarding the initial JPG about the kick:


That player "Iwill'P on you" or whatever his name was, was called out for freekilling as you can see by Angel's screenshot.


No where in the screenshot does it say that he was called out for freekilling (just Fate saying "just type kill in console"), although he did freekill one T and he owned up to it. He was asking for an admin to slay him and I said type kill in console (as I didn't witness the one freekill this time) like a few others did. After 10 seconds of himself not doing anything you kick him. It was his second offense and only one freekill, and no you did not warn, slay or move him to T since I was on the whole time that he was playing. And for the record, you don't kick someone for freekilling/baiting/gunplanting/etc, the appropriate actions would be to warn/slay/teamlock/t-list.


Regarding the screenshots of me standing behind T's:


I often have to do this during my days in order to discern what the players' names are. For some reason, unless I'm aiming at them with the AWP, I very often get a bug that doesn't make their name pop up whilst looking at them. However, me standing behind T's like that never results in T's getting baited and I virtually never get knifed because I'm baiting. If Ts are ordered to be on deagle cage wall, facing deagle cage sign and frozen (as they are in the screenshots), standing behind them would require the T to break the orders in order to be baited. They would have to turn around to "accidentally" knife me, which would be breaking the orders in the first place.


Angel took those shots because he has a grudge against me. I refused to participate in a "BlakOut vs. 11 Terrorist" knife day, and ever since he's been trying to catch me on stuff.


Baiting is baiting regardless of any reasons, like you can't see names or for whatever reason. If you can't see names you can always get someone else to tell you, or don't lead days where you have to see T's names; it's not our problem that you can't see names and that you have to bait to be able to see them.


And no, I didn't take those screenshots because "I have a grudge against you", if I see any rule-breaking from anyone (admin or not) I always get proof of it to make a report, or to bring it up in case a report is made on the player so I can add to the report, like I've done in this one.


Parts of this post is circumstantial as a demo would have been better proof, but it's all true.



Also here's a demo from another day that occurred last night: Demo.


@ 2:25 baiting T's on Deagle Cage; I'm sure you didn't need to see their names for First/Last Reaction.


@ 2:32 one of the CT's kills a T on Big Cage who was not following BlakOut's orders, and BlakOut starts disrespecting him and acting all pretentious about it when he didn't state any designated shooter/s.



That's all I have to offer on this so no need for me to post anymore.

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Yes, but you're inducing Ts to attack you.


It doesn't change the fact that you're at a place where you shouldn't be.


Just as CTs shouldn't be in lower VIP if there are Ts in there (visibly speaking), you shouldn't be doing that.


Yeah, fair enough. It's never caused a problem before, but I'll do my best to keep more distance between myself and the Ts.

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No more of this senseless slaying or kicking, follow the bloody procedure


For idiots that bait, freekill (-mass freekilling), and amongst jailbreak douchebaggery

Warn, Slap/slay, t-locked/t-list. We deal with the REST not you.


For general rules

Warn, Slay, Slay, Kick, Ban


Got it?


Do I make myself clear? I don't want to hear any issues coming from you just like any other admin on the server.

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well since this post still needs more info, it's simple blakout says I killed the wrong T but a guy called Axio was the one who actually killed the wrong T who then slayed himself a couple of seconds after, blakout didn't realize this cause he didn't read console and just slays me. but after all these hours that passed and I finnaly got my sleeping time I don't care anymore lol...but yeah he' still annoying :]. you can close this since enigma has spoken.

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