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The Sopranos


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I know I'm a little late, but I just finished the final episode of the Sopranos. Any of you watch the Sopranos too? I didn't even realize until I finished, but I've been to Holsten's, the ice cream parlor from the final scene a million times, it was like 25 min away from my house.

Edited by Billy Mays
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I know I'm a little late, but I just finished the final episode of the Sopranos. Any of you watch the Sopranos too? I didn't even realize until I finished, but I've been to Holsten's, the ice cream parlor from the final scene a million times, it was like 25 min away from my house.



Your way late on this one

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been since like 2007 and there's no rumored movie production. I doubt it to be honest.


I know, but I think it could happen. But still I'm in shock lol, I used to sit in that booth at Holsten's all the time. I just went back there on Thursday and now you need like 4 people to sit in that booth. I slipped the waiter $10 and he let me sit in the booth. Btw, I've seen James Gandolfini in real life, and he looks almost exactly like he does on the Sopranos.

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