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1. Your in-game name: Dsdude

2. Server that you where banned on: 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch (globally banned though)

3. The Banning admin: Staff

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:17730319

5. Reason for ban: I'm not sure, there were some mic spammers and when Has Matt banned then I thanked him. Then he banned himself, then I got globally banned. I really enjoy playing on your servers, and hope to be unbanned.



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I was there at the time also he was there for at least 2 min said hi to someone then got banned for mic spamming along as well so i think you should KEEP THE :banbut:








wait, who is "he"?

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I banned you because you were mic spamming.


I banned myself on accident because DM mod sucks ass and when I died I tried pressing 3 to keep my weapons with the mani list up and failed :'(


I banned 2 people before you, both were mic spamming, you were the 3rd one and you were the only one talking(with loud music on) so I banned you through console.


Plus the report I got had all 3 of your steamID's in it so stay banned bye.

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The only resn I was playing my music was to try and get them to stop. I'm sorry for the confusion. We tried to get a voteban going, but we couldn't get enough people to do it. Like I said, I really enjoy your server and the people I've met on it. I've played on other CH DM servers, but the people there are obnoxious and don't take care of spammers and hackers. Please reconsider.... :mybad:


The only reason why you were mic spamming is to try to get other people to stop mic spamming?




We really need a "rage" emote...

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