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Favorite type of beer


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Lack thinks i like fosters but i dont, i drink it because its cheap! :P


Out of choice, i like Past Masters (7.5%), Hobgoblin (5.2%), Stella Artois depending on the weather!


Other than that, Jagermeister, Vodka, Pimms, Gin, Whisky, Port, Basically any spirit that there is!:P

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Yeah... I did it...


I hate that shit. I was driving in the Everglades once to scout out a construction site for work and I had one of those in the cupholder and I drove over a bump in my work Jeep and that crap spilled all over the car. The steering wheel was still sticky for like 3 weeks after and the seats too. Not to mention that it pretty much spoiled my suit. Not really Barg's fault, but my memories from that experience haunt me.

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