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Too bad all that falls on deaf ears.

This party shit has been dumb from the beginning. Especially when people start saying "them" and "us".


Aren't we all fucking Americans....


I am also tired of seeing people who don't support our economy, have a say on what we should do and how we should do it.

Edited by vandium
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Sigh. America and it's officials need to wake up. Like the writer and Van said, regardless of political affiliation someone needs to see the problem. This isn't about supporting or refusing to support a black president so stop there fa****s, it's a much bigger problem that no one seems to care about any more. We're the minority now. Everone else has turned into another casualty of ignorance. Fuck America.

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Fuck America? I hope your talking about Central or South America. Tsk Tsk....very unpatriotic.


I happen to love The United States of America. I may have some grave disagreements with the direction this country is going, but I think we will see an moral and ethical uprising in a couple of years.


If you don't like it, do something about it.....get involved.


Vote, or call your representatives....or GTFO



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Actually when I first moved here and took my Local and State Government class we talked a lot about asking our representatives questions, e-mailing them, writing them letters, etc. I noticed that in my town/borough/whatever the fuck it is the roads were getting a little horrid. Driving around pot holes isn't fun in a car like mine, so I wrote my local representative a letter and sent it directly to his office. I got no response, I e-mailed and got a generic response thanking me for my conributiuon but never anything concrete.


That guy didn't get my vote in the past election, I did research on the people running for district office in the primaries a month or two ago and I found a couple decent candidates, I e-mailed one of their offices and got another generic response.


Politics is what I'm going to school for, and in a country where the people are supposed to decide who gets into office the elected officials around here don't seem to care at all. They know it's a primarily republican county and just hope for the most money possible.

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I'm very thankful that I was born in the USA, because without question, this is the greatest country on planet Earth. Last year was my first election, and I voted for McCain. But this doesn't mean I have to like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. I think they're both Clowns.. ESPECIALLY Glenn Beck, I cannot fucking stand that guy. And wtf is with everyone saying Limbaugh is the head of the GOP? He's a fucking radio commentator FFS.

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He's not black, He's hawaiian. >>; Let's all move to England? I could go for some freshly made tea right about now..
I don't think you want to move to England.. it's being taken over by extreme islamic ideology, and Sharia Law. London isn't even called London anymore, now it's known as Londonistan
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What's wrong with McCain besides his age? This is the problem, you guys focus on the stupid shit like age, race, etc. How about policy? "McCain is stupid because he's old therefore I didn't vote for him."


Why do you believe in Obama? Is it the cult like following he brings to the table only because he peaked at the right time during the primary/general election? What policy do you support of his more than anything else? If you say health care I hope you're ready for my rebuttal :P

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Crush, as for your question about Limbaugh, it's not that he is the head of the GOP per se, but they are considering him as a serious candidate in 2012, or at least the more radical right wingers are.


Yes we do need a moral and ethical reformation. However, the moral and ethical revelations must be concessions from both sides of the fence.


Both sides need to better prioritize spending. It's sad to say but the last President which was the most successful in balancing the budget and keeping the economy sound was Nixon. NIXON.


Both sides need to make concessions in the area of gun laws. There needs to be a dependable, yet reasonable background check and ID system in place. We need to make these checks but the government doesn't have the right to sift through your entire life just so you can own a gun.


Both sides need get together and legalize marijuana. There is a huge benefit for both sides of the political fence. Legalization will allow it to be properly taxable, which would be a HUGE capital gain in the government budget. It will also allow it to be properly monitored, in a setting where lines can be drawn on its purchase and use. It will greatly relieve stress on our already overtaxed prison system, which is overflowing with "felons" connected to the sale and/or purchase of the drug.


Both sides need to define the rights of the human body and mind more clearly than the hodge-podge sets of strewn-together federal and state laws in place. This is in relation to the definition of gay marriage (imo, a gay couple has a right to be married by any Church that will have them, but Churches refusing to unite them cannot be compelled to do so), the rights of abortion (imo, make it strictly for use in times of rape/incest, and allow it in situations where the child cannot be properly taken care of [the homeless, the desperately poor, mentally infirm, etc], however criminal charges should be put in place if it happens multiple times), and privacy laws (what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom).


Both sides need to put an end to this PATRIOT ACT nonsense. I have the right to be tried in a court, not have my house and personal information combed through by order of a secret warrant served by a secret court. I find it very sad that apparently no one in the ENTIRE government has actually read 1984 or Animal Farm. I think that needs to be on the congressional Summer Reading List.


I'll add more if I can think of it.

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Both sides need to make concessions in the area of gun laws. There needs to be a dependable, yet reasonable background check and ID system in place. We need to make these checks but the government doesn't have the right to sift through your entire life just so you can own a gun.


The constituional right to protect my family should NEVER be infringed upon. There should be a background check to verify non-felony status only. Those papers from that background check are to be shredded. There should be NO, I repeat NO record whatsoever that the govt. should be able to keep about your gun ownership.


If they know who owns the guns, they know who's door to knock on first when they come to try to take it.


There should never be a gun registry or "owner id". Then the criminals would know who to rob, rape, and maim first. The criminals are going to have guns no matter what the law. Don't make it harder for the law-abiding citizen to protect himself.


Once there are any type of "gun control laws" in place, they are just a stepping stone to curtail more of our freedoms.




As far as the spending goes. It sucks on both sides, but, Obama is the one who is going to put my Great-Grandchildren into more debt than we could ever imagine.

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There should never be a gun registry or "owner id". Then the criminals would know who to rob, rape, and maim first. The criminals are going to have guns no matter what the law. Don't make it harder for the law-abiding citizen to protect himself.


Once there are any type of "gun control laws" in place, they are just a stepping stone to curtail more of our freedoms.




As far as the spending goes. It sucks on both sides, but, Obama is the one who is going to put my Great-Grandchildren into more debt than we could ever imagine.


When I said ID, I mainly meant IDs on guns themselves, not the owners. I agree that there should be no permanent record of gun owners. Owning a gun should not put you on any type of government "list".


As for the recent spending, it's not all Obama's fault, just like the collapse wasn't all Bush's fault. It's actually more heavily on congress than the Executive branch.



BTW, get on vent!

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