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Reviews needed

Deja Q

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Looks good other than the 5400RPM HDD. If that is not a storage only drive, make sure you get a 7.2K.


If you can find a good price, I would pick a corsair/antec/coolermaster PSU over the rosewill.


Agreed depending on your needs (if you don't need a lot of capacity [and don't plan to], trade off and get a small SSD)


I know Rosewill is generally decent on most of their stuff however, I'd say grab a Silverstone, Corsair, Antec (depends on which one), or Coolermaster PSU.

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I'll probably go with this for 7200RPM then; http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136284


And, yeah, I prefer more capacity, I won't even mention what I have now, since this is just a regular computer, but the specs on it are horrible, and I've been longing for better.


As for the PSU, my friend uses one from Rosewill, he told me to go with it since there hasn't been any reports of any malfunctioning units, I just want the hardware to be safe, I'll check into all of the others though, reading up from different reviews I find on Google.


Thanks for the replies.

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Looks good other than the 5400RPM HDD. If that is not a storage only drive, make sure you get a 7.2K.


If you can find a good price, I would pick a corsair/antec/coolermaster PSU over the rosewill.


Agreed depending on your needs (if you don't need a lot of capacity [and don't plan to], trade off and get a small SSD)


I know Rosewill is generally decent on most of their stuff however, I'd say grab a Silverstone, Corsair, Antec (depends on which one), or Coolermaster PSU.



Why are you both against rosewill?


Also Admiral I'd say your build is good so far, but you got a serious problem. There's not enough case fans. You want your case to sound like a jet engine okay? Buy about 10 of these and your problem is solved.


Nice case none the less.

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Why are you both against rosewill?


Also Admiral I'd say your build is good so far, but you got a serious problem. There's not enough case fans. You want your case to sound like a jet engine okay? Buy about 10 of these and your problem is solved.


Nice case none the less.


Not against it, just saying generally speaking I've had better luck with Silverstone for PSUs myself.


Please note that if we suggest something else other than Rosewill, does't mean we're against it. It just means we like another brand more.


You do not that many fans either.

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