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BooT's Dream/Goal/Mission.


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So, it all started off when I was young around 7-8, I saw a group of kids in a field with a weird shaped ball. I saw them in some weird gear, I thought they looked like warriors, they looked awesome. That's when I said, "I want to do that!" But my parents wouldn't let me because they were over-protective and didn't want me to get hurt.


When I was in the 8th grade, my parents finally agreed to let me play Football. It was the greatest day in my life, stepping onto the field for the first time in practice gear, getting ready to practice for our first game Saturday.

I was made an offensive lineman, but honestly I hated offense, I wanted to be a defensive lineman, I wanted to destroy the quarterback and running back, whichever got the ball, I wanted to cause pain.

Throughout the season I struggled mentally to stay in the game, it was the most active sport I had played and my body was in pain due to the lack of the correct diet.


I managed to play one more season, Freshman year of High School. I was put on the B team. Two weeks in our starting center got injured and then I was put in at Starting B-Team Center. At the beginning of the season I was made the Long-Snapper for Special Teams on the B-Team. I was in love with the sport but it was rough. All the A-Teamers would talk mad shit to us B-Teamers. It was unfair.


Going into Sophomore year, I made the most regrettable decision of my life and I walked away from the game that I was so in love with. I couldn't handle the pressure of the other kids and I really despised them for making my life hell. Also, I finally had a decent group of friends that liked having me around so I decided that I would much rather hang out with them instead of playing Football.

Now I am friends with only one of those kids, he is my best friend and I am glad we still talk after the bumpy road we had. Our other friend is no longer anywhere close to use as we both hate him with every inch in our body.


Anyways, what this thread is about is how I plan on getting back into the sport that I love and I doing my best to stop at nothing to reach it.

This year I enrolled at Moraine Valley Community College to get my Gen Eds out of the way. Last year, around August/October, I signed up at a gym and started a decent workout pattern but got lazy around the month of November.


My plan now is to transfer from MVCC to ISU(Illinois State University) to play Football once again and to get my History and Education degree.

At ISU, I will be able to play Football for 2 years because technically I will be coming in as a College Junior. Senior year is when I will make my try at the NFL Combine, if I am given the chance to compete.

I have 2 years to make my mark in the game of Football at ISU and I do not plan on wasting the chance.

After the Combine I will have to wait to see if I will be picked up by any team or whatever I can get out of it. If no news comes to me, I will then pursue Arena Football which is an indoor version of Football.

They have tryouts all the for the Arena Football leagues, so I will try my skill out there if all else fails.

I do not have a plan after the Arena Football tryouts. If I don't make a team by then, I am sure that I will shrivel up and fly away in the wind.


That's the basis of my plan to make Football a part of my life. To me it is the greatest sport ever created and I hope to make up for my mistake of walking away Sophomore year.





Thread was written to this song.



Edited by BooT
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hit the weight room and make sure you're draining yourself on the field and in the weight room. buddy of mine I played in college with (he's a senior now) is doing the same process as you. He's doing the combine this year I believe (unless it's already happened). Good luck man, it takes a lot of work to get in.

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You'll do great Booty I believe in you <3 Never give up <3


Thanks Kimzy! I will do my best to never give up. <3


Proud of you boot. I'm glad you found something that your this passionate about, and with that behind you i'm sure you can make the NFL Combine.


Thanks Anonymau5! :D You have been a great friend to me! I appreciate your support!


Oh man, good luck.


Thanks boss. (:


hit the weight room and make sure you're draining yourself on the field and in the weight room. buddy of mine I played in college with (he's a senior now) is doing the same process as you. He's doing the combine this year I believe (unless it's already happened). Good luck man, it takes a lot of work to get in.


I have been hitting the gym up everyday for 3-4 hours, working a few muscle groups each day in a plan to succeed. (: The combine is going to be quite the challenge but I am willing to put in my all to reach this dream! Combine has started so he will probably be going at it soon! Good luck to him!


Good luck! i have faith in you!


Thanks boss! Hopefully when I make it in the NFL I will be on the Ravens. ;)

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If you ever make it big I'mma be all "omg I know that guy!" :D


I will have to make a twitter or something so that I could keep in touch with all of you because I am pretty sure that all social websites get taken away from you.


Good luck boot! Try as hard as you can and you can achieve wonders! <3


Thanks bud! This has already been the hardest I have ever tried towards something and I have seen some great results! (:


Good luck big bro <3 i believe in ya ;D


Thanks Digi! Glad to have your support!


I hope you follow your dreams BooT. Also, once you become famous, you have to give me a signed photo and advertise my company


Eh, if I do go anywhere, I don't plan on selling out, I just want to play the game! But we will have to see. (:

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Hell yes BooT... give them bitches an arrow to the knee for me. WHEN you get into the NFL (because I know you will), I want an autographed football from you.


Arrow to the knee? How bout I break some knees instead? :D

Maybe on the autographed football.

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BooT, I will make you sign a contract lol, just like my car dealer friend signed Dwayne Wade lol. It's funny what some people will do for a free Bentley and some money. Jk though, but seriously, if you ever become famous, I'd want to get you to advertise my company. Believe me man, the players make more money off of endorsements than they do off playing.

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BooT, I will make you sign a contract lol, just like my car dealer friend signed Dwayne Wade lol. It's funny what some people will do for a free Bentley and some money. Jk though, but seriously, if you ever become famous, I'd want to get you to advertise my company. Believe me man, the players make more money off of endorsements than they do off playing.


But! That is the thing, I am going into the sport because I love it, not because I want to make money from it. Only thing I need to make money for is buying my mom a house. We are about to lose the one we are in now and so I will pull some shit to buy it back eventually!

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