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Guest Jacob1

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1. Your in-game name: for perp : Nick Anderson|Dark rp : Viper

2. Server that you were banned on: global for gmod or global

3. The Banning admin:Kigen

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:40825341

5. Reason for ban: Yes , i was given to many chances but this is enough time for me , i learned my lesson.You can keep me banned from DarkRP but now im into Perp, I will never rulebreak again.Im new to darkrp its like my 1st server but I can understand perp good and cant rulebreak and once again i learned my lesson.Once again too I had many chances or like 2-3 but I want another one , I wont ever rulebreak again.You know whats the reason for the previous ban.So 1 more chance I wont break it or lose it.

Edited by Vao
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