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Croyax banned


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1. Your in-game name: {FITH}â„¢ 墄ÂÃуαÇ .sf|

2. Server that you where banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: HG|PD BuLLeTz_FrEaK |AzN|

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:18087480

5. Reason for ban: Hacking


Although i don't have any proof of anything, i really wasen't using the hacks, i had an aimbot, and wasent using i just had a little bunny hop thing and was jumping repeatdly. I stopped after somebody accused me of hacking, and like 30 minutes later i was banned when the hacks were completely off. =\

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So you have no proof and your expecting to be unbanned? Are you assuming we are going to believe you word over an admin? To answer your question staff has said they will not. Unless you have evidence to contradict Bulletz you will not be unbanned.

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