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Validating Steam Files...

The Prodigy

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Every single time I try to play CS:S it says Valiadating Steam files, and then it reaches 100% and it says The steam servers are too busy to handle your request. I posted about this once and Weeman told me to exit steam, delete the ClientRegistryBlob, and try again. So I did and the same thing occured. I looked online and it told me to delete everything except for steam.exe and steamapps. This didn't work. I can't play counter-strike and i'm bored. Please try and help me solve this problem. Thanks. :cry:

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I had this happen to me a while ago. It was very frustrating. I just don't remember what I did to fix it :( I did what you did as well with no luck. I think with with a few restarts it just started working. If I think about it I'll post again.

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I have the same problem from time to time. I just go in and kill the steam process in task manager and then wait about 15 min then restart steam and try again. it usually happens after updates, or if i fail at opening the game once or twice in a row. if all else fails restart your cpu :P

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