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Not Unban but Ban discussion (rizon)


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First of all, Follow the template, if your using "unban's section."


Second; i am going to list each thing you did, plus a demo of your wrong doings.


1. instead of doing your job you stun stick a citizen, swat, parkour on top of a SWAT vehicle, INSTEAD of doing your job as a cop. 2012-03-02_00001_th.jpg

2. Second, this is SS of youe just running over Ciel Phantomhive (Cadet) for ticketing your car, after you were "drag racing" what else do you expect to happen? 2012-03-02_00002_th.jpg this is console message as well: 2012-03-02_00003_th.jpg

3. Thrid after you "thought" he shot your car you decided to shoot him and kill him when in fact "I Disabled your car" and was about to talk to you, but you decided to "Jump" to conculsions that the first person you see is directly at fault and you kill them. 2012-03-02_00004_th.jpg

4. Another Incident you caused is when Daniel Jonny ran into the back of you and made your car explode, you immediatly came out and shot his car down and the fire killed him, could've talked to him BUT you decided to end your own way.



Care to explain your actions without feeding me lies?


Demo: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/za/phirewire.dem

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1. He was harrasing me As you can see in picture one where he spawned a Barricade on me.

2. There was no mayor there for no traffic laws.

3. He sent me a message regarding him punishing me for driving how i was, so i took action and shot him.

4. He was continueing to smash into me and Jello as we were trying to see whos car could push whos considering no one was doing anything on the server.

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1. He was harrasing me As you can see in picture one where he spawned a Barricade on me.

2. There was no mayor there for no traffic laws.

3. He sent me a message regarding him punishing me for driving how i was, so i took action and shot him.

4. He was continueing to smash into me and Jello as we were trying to see whos car could push whos considering no one was doing anything on the server.


My turn:


1. BEFORE he prop trapped you you were mass stunsticking the swat and the kid, then he came back and di it to you, then you kept trying to shoot him.

2. There are default laws, AS SUCH explained:


Also, here's the link: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/53011-PERP-3-0-Default-Laws



Here are the default laws you must follow ingame.. unless you want to be arrested or ticketed.


1. Murder/Attempted Murder/Assault

Obvious one, killing other players is strictly against the law and expect arrest or a arrest warrant.


2. Possession of Illegal weapons

Normal pistols and shotguns are allowed in private area's and are only allowed for self defense. Rifles and sub machine guns are strictly illegal at all times.


3. Resisting arrest

Even though you're meant to roleplay at all times when being arrested, you may resist as long as it is roleplayed but you may be arrested


4. Robbery

Stealing any object off of other players is strictly against the law, expect arrest.


5. Speeding and other traffic laws (MAYOR NEEDED)

If a mayor has set a speed limit, or he made traffic lights and traffic signs in effect if caught breaking any of these laws you may get a ticket, if caught again arrested.


6. Public Damage

For example destroying a officer's vehicle or maybe starting a fire, this is a reason for arrest.


7. Disorderly Conduct/Anti-social behavior

You causing a nuisance to other players or to the public is strictly illegal for example standing in the middle of the road, causing traffic, abusive behavior to other people, threatening people etc

8. Dangerous driving

Whilst driving you are expected to roleplay drive, if you are driving on the wrong side of the road, hitting other cars etc you may be arrested.

9. Excessively misusing 911/Wasting police time

If you continue to call 911 for stupid reasons or alerting police of fake situations you may be arrested.


10. Kidnapping

Kidnapping the mayor or other citizen's is against the law and you may be arrested and if you are kidnapping the mayor you may be killed.


11. Habouring a Fugative

Holding any wanted citizens inside your home or vehicle is against the law and you may be arrested.


12. Illegal substances

Growing, holding, selling or buying any illegal substances is against the law and you may be arrested. Illegal substances include weed, cocaine or any illegal drugs

13. Illegally parking

You may now be able to park on the side of the street, make sure you park on the side of the road by touching the curb or being halfway on the curb. If you park your car terribly, park it in the middle of the street etc you will be ticked.


14. Probable Cause

This means that if a officer visually sees you breaking a law in private property, he is allowed to enter and take action with a arrest/warning.


This list may be updated so please check them occasionally.




3. IF some one threatens you for some reason and you feel like you being wrongfully acted upon take a "SS" and let an admin know. or make a report for a BLACKLIST.

4. He wanted to drag race with ya'll and when he went up to you he accidently ran into you and even said sorry but you didn't give a shit, you shot him anyways.


5! Also you attempted to RDM ME when i ticketed you, hense going off "DEFAULT LAWS" and you didn't "once again" give a shit and sot me anyways.


Again I Ask, care to explain without feeding me lies?

Edited by enigma#
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Guess its my turn?


1. If you watched No one was doing anything he was following me around for no reason. I did not hit him untill he infact punched me, I did hit swat as no one was on doing anything. Which lead me to leave the job. (after arresting him for assulting me with a bat) I never Shot him. I was shooting to pass boredom but never did i hit him, when leaving the area for him to do something he stood around till I returned.

2. I was not rude to another player till he came after me, I was driving fine with only 3 cars on the road, I never killed for a parking ticket. I did however kill for a ticket where i was in car messing around. (No denying that)

3. He was following me and I felt threatened as he would not stop, and I knew he had a loaded gun. Never did I attack him without reason or did I kill him. Arrested after warning him to put away bat and he hit me.

4.He did not want to race he wanted to "demolition derby" we told him no so he repeatedly rammed us. And I was tired of it so I disabled his car.

5. I do not deny I attempted to kill you for ticketing me when I was bored ramming a jeep. Nice god mode with that by the way.


Oh, and how is 2 people being killed mass RDM?

Your turn.

Edited by Phirewire
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Guess its my turn?


1. If you watched No one was doing anything he was following me around for no reason. I did not hit him untill he infact punched me, I did hit swat as no one was on doing anything. Which lead me to leave the job. (after arresting him for assulting me with a bat) I never Shot him. I was shooting to pass boredom but never did i hit him, when leaving the area for him to do something he stood around till I returned.

2. I was not rude to another player till he came after me, I was driving fine with only 3 cars on the road, I never killed for a parking ticket. I did however kill for a ticket where i was in car messing around. (No denying that)

3. He was following me and I felt threatened as he would not stop, and I knew he had a loaded gun. Never did I attack him without reason or did I kill him. Arrested after warning him to put away bat and he hit me.

4.He did not want to race he wanted to "demolition derby" we told him no so he repeatedly rammed us. And I was tired of it so I disabled his car.

5. I do not deny I attempted to kill you for ticketing me when I was bored ramming a jeep. Nice god mode with that by the way.


Your turn.


1. Incorrect, all three of you were following each other around, and messing with each other, SWAT backed off afer a tad, than you and the citizen continued, when he did shit and did shit back, " MY POINT" to all that is YOUR NOT DOING your "JOB" becides fucking around with someone and when he does shit to you after you fucked with him you go lethal on him, Not the way to go.


2. Rude? Yes, actullyl because once you were ticketed you ran Ciel over immediatly.


3. Once again what do think will happen when you provoke someone like that for no reason, case closed on that.


4. Yes he wanted to do derby but he also wanted to race, but all you could have done was tell him to not ram you car and accept his apology to you but like a said " didn't give a shit, and killed him anyways."


5. Your wrong for tryingto kill me, take the ticket for what it is worth, you broke default laws dont do the damn crime, "wiether i have god mode on or not doesn't matter, when i know your breaking rules, being a douche to the users around you and also making HG look like shit, BY the WAY your a recruit ACT LIKE IT.


Well you were a recruit, you are hearby demoted from the clan, and temp'd for a week.

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