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Mass Effect 3 TONIGHT


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yes and no.


There is a point a games development phase where the people who are actually working on the content (the story, the characters, etc.) finish their job and the game moves into the development phase where everything is fine tuned such as glitch removal, graphical tweaks and so on and so forth. So day 1 DLC isn't neccisarily god awful herecy "IF" it's done right so don't hate on every game that does this. However EA and Bioware are indeed being scumbags for making a pretty fucking important character to the story day 1 DLC for $10.00.

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Got my ship notification about 30 minutes ago. Hopefully, they're not retards and have the product already in caches at the shipping hubs, and I'll have it when I get off of work tomorrow. Or I'll be sorely disappointed and bitch about it all over the internet.

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Game is certainly interesting, only got to touch the tip of the iceburg though so I can't say much more about it other than this:

I'm pleased with the inventory system

I love the weapon/armor upgrades system

I love the weight system

I love the level up system

I'm disliking the story plot (seriously cheesy route for them to take IMO)

Disliking some of the character designs (Jersey Shore Effect)

Love the look of armor

Like the new running animation

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Disliking some of the character designs (Jersey Shore Effect)


I never thought of it like that, and now I'm mortified.


Do different conversational choices actually result in different NPC dialogue? That wasn't the case in the demo, and I was pretty pissed.


Anyway, back to being angry that my copy is coming in tomorrow.

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I never thought of it like that, and now I'm mortified.


Do different conversational choices actually result in different NPC dialogue? That wasn't the case in the demo, and I was pretty pissed.


Anyway, back to being angry that my copy is coming in tomorrow.


Can't really tell you how they differentiate but one annoying thing is an option will say "Come on lets go" and i'll select it and Shepard will say "Lets go you fucking fa**** ass pussy shit cunts" with the result of +240 Renegade points. Still an excellent game so far. Lots if hilarious dialog.

Edited by Weeman
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ill buy it when BioWare stops with the retarded dlc bit they pulled


I understand how it happened, considering development cycles, however, it feels like it's setting a precedence for it to be okay to launch a feature-length game for $70.

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