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Banned unjustly.. read on!


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Hi, was recently banned from your 24/7 office server. I believe the admin was Bobo or Popo, not really sure.

(ADMIN) Bobo!: please be a little less recognizable with ur aimbot

Disconnect: Kicked and banned.

Disconnect: Kicked and banned.


This was the message in console before i was kicked, I was only in the server for 5 minutes tops, went 5-2 on office hiding behind the door. I'm not really a regular or anything, but it's about the only server I play on when I do log on, which is very little. It's basically a break from WoW arena when I do play, so I would like to be able to continue to play there. Anyways, any help would be appreciated, and Bobo! or Popo! or whoever you were that banned me, at least spec for a few round before you jump to admin high-horse conclusions please. I'm not that good, if you would have taken 5 minutes to spectate before just up and banning me, you probably would have realized this.


1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you where banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Your Steam-Id

5. Reason for ban:


1. <--You Cheat | You Suck-->

2. 24/7 office server

3. Bobo! or Popo!

4. STEAM_0:0:7402026

5. Presumably aimbotting, definately do/will not.

Edited by BonG
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First of all, it looks like he thought that you were hacking. It's a perm ban, so we'll have to wait til he post the ban report, so we can deal with this appropriately. If he doesn't post any report, you'll be banned in 24 hours or so, so be patience.


Second of all, the reason why need the demo or ss is that your words alone will not give us any clue of what happen. And what you just copy and paste from the console is just a proof that you were banned. We do not need to know that you are banned, we need to know what happen before you were banned. Take a ss of a console or demo in the game are the main two things we accept as a real proof because you cannot alter anything in there. You can change or rearrange the stuffs you copy and paste from console. So it is not accepted as a formal proof. Clear?


So wait til he come here and explain or show us any proof of you were hacking.


Btw, the admin that banned you, his official name is HT|D3N

Edited by BuLLeTz_FrEaK
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Okay, I guess I see what you mean about a screenshot now. I just didn't think it was really relevent, because there wasn't anything going on before I got the banhammer on my head. I played a whole total of 2 rounds, didn't talk to anybody which I usually don't, just kind of came out of the blue. Anyways, thanks again for the help.

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I specced you a round before this demo, and then I decided to ban you. I don't why GB list said it was D3N. Please don't come and post here thinking I didn't do my part - please get off your high horse.


According to your HLXSTATS, you had 9 headshots and I recall every kill you got last night was a headshot, your 5 kills.


Maybe you just shake alot, maybe you just got lucky, maybe I'm wrong.



Edited by GIR[]_
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Okay.. I went to steampowered and learned how to watch a demo, apparently I'm not watching the same one as you guys though. The whole 1 minute and 18 seconds of that demo, I kill 2 people and die 1 time. The only ''bouncing, shaking'' that I see are recoil from gunfire. Honestly, can we get an admin in here that has actually played CSS before? I'm not going to reply to this thread anymore, but I will say this: I don't cheat, so enjoy being wrong. Just because you bought your admin and somebody kills you in a server doesn't mean you should be nerdraging and ban them. 1 minutes and 18 seconds isn't long enough to determine anything. I'll find somewhere else to spend my whole half an hour a week on CSS, and be glad knowing that I pissed somebody off so bad in 5 minutes time that they e-raged hard enough to demo a legit player and accuse them of cheating. Whoever runs Hellsgamers should seriously consider charging more than a 15 year olds allowance for admin, or give it to people who actually have a fucking clue. That is all.

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Okay.. I went to steampowered and learned how to watch a demo, apparently I'm not watching the same one as you guys though. The whole 1 minute and 18 seconds of that demo, I kill 2 people and die 1 time. The only ''bouncing, shaking'' that I see are recoil from gunfire. Honestly, can we get an admin in here that has actually played CSS before? I'm not going to reply to this thread anymore, but I will say this: I don't cheat, so enjoy being wrong. Just because you bought your admin and somebody kills you in a server doesn't mean you should be nerdraging and ban them. 1 minutes and 18 seconds isn't long enough to determine anything. I'll find somewhere else to spend my whole half an hour a week on CSS, and be glad knowing that I pissed somebody off so bad in 5 minutes time that they e-raged hard enough to demo a legit player and accuse them of cheating. Whoever runs Hellsgamers should seriously consider charging more than a 15 year olds allowance for admin, or give it to people who actually have a fucking clue. That is all.



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