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UnFair ban


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1. Your in-game name:Sekfras Kailvousilk

2. Server that you were banned on: Perp

3. The Banning admin: (Rp name) Geroge Washington

4. Your Steam-Id:STEAM_0:0:17058321

5. Reason for ban: "ooc" abuse


Alright,I was getting mad after geroge washington Bl'd me from Sercert Service after killing him after the mayor told me too for throwing molotovs in his friends shop.I asked him why i was bl'd and keep'd on ignoring me,then i was kicked, i rejoined and Sayed " that isnt metagamming i was just asking you why i was bl'd" in ooc then i was banned for ooc abuse


Im pretty mad because thats not ooc abuse, spamming,caps or ic in ooc is,or metagamming


Please help me, im getting sick of that admin:mad:

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Sorry for posting here but i got stuff to say on Mirandous... There has been a few incadences where ive been on and hes done things that arent allowed, but after hes caught he argues nonstop trying to get away with it or just to be (pardon my language) a "smartass" about it. So when i see the ooc abuse, i have to back up blind and say he diserved the ban.


If you watch this demo it shows him being caught parkouring by another admin then arguing over it nonstop.


Then later he continues in ooc (i only have a screenie that shows a tiny bit), but he continued to argue with the admin in chat for 3 minutes straight till he was finally kicked for it.


"Yes-Boss[TOotH]Mirandous[M" STEAM_0:0:17058321

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I banned you for not obeying the multiple explicit warnings that were given to stop cluttering OOC with useless chatter.


Next time I, Blind or any other admin tells you to do something, you do it.


Instead of getting pissy at other people, re-evaluate your attitude first.


Not Unbanned.

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Your not understanding what im saying,i was using ooc in Non ic infomation....Plus your getting non toic stuff in here,It was not ooc abuse,I was not using ooc for ic.I was arguring because i was mad as hell for you throwing that molotov in my mayor shop then he tells me to kill you. Im serious i just want that to be resolved.

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I did not ban you, I don't even think I was online then. I merely blacklisted you from the SS for rdming me. You were blacklisted for 24 hours. The MAYOR was selling in a shop, I told him not to because you are not allowed to do so as a government employee, but he continued anyways. I was selling items in the small shop, he was selling in the amber inn. I decided to Molotov his shop as he is competition.


You came out running after me and rdmed me without such as a word "because the mayor told you to". That right there is abuse of your job by both of you. I blacklisted you because you weren't doing the job correctly, if anything that is the job of the police, not the SS. The SS's job is to keep the mayor safe, not kill people because the mayor says so.


http://i.imgur.com/npweW.jpg proof of the mayor selling in the shop, not his friend selling in the shop.

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