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Laptpo Help - sound

Guest JJK

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My laptop is pretty old, might run source.


the cord has been shorted, you can smell the heat and only works at a certain angle, so my mother took it to best buy 2 months ago, they said they are unable to order the part we need and we did nothing. When I started it back up at home, the screen would not turn on.


I assume best buy fukt the screen up and jsut wanted us out of the store before we noticed.


Well yesterday I took it apart and secured all connections, and screen comes on just fine now, cord still shorted but ill buy a new cord tomorrow.





My laptop speakers make a buzzing and every 10 sec the buzz- beeps, when i disable sound it stops, and when i plug in speakers it stops, i must have wiggled something loose when securing connections, anyone know why my laptop speakers are buzzing, and how i would prevent it?

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I'm no help, sorry.


I received a free laptop a few months ago. It had something wrong with hard drive or cpu not sure.


I took it apart, a kagillion pieces and couldnt put it back together and trashed it.


I probably should just stick with putting the bristles on the brooms.

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i was never able to open the laptop fully, the area i couldnt open was the where the speakers are, so i dont thin i would hae lossened something

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