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Banned by bad admin


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i got banned after playing in your server many times, i really like the registration and players who generally play in it. but one of ur admins is a child and cant stand the fact that im better than him ... so i got banned without a warning or reason. unabn me if u want but ill probably never play there again. Try giving admin to players who know what they are doing not idiots. Steam ID 0:0:15501409

Edited by cReid`
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Please follow the template below & supply any evidence (screenshot or even a demo) you have.


1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you where banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Your Steam-Id

5. Reason for ban:

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im just tired of being banned by ppl who get raged thats the point im trying to make


Well, suppose the ban was accidental. Your attitude does not help. If it is legitimate, the banning admin has 24 hours to make a report justifying his decision with sufficient evidence.


As Faded said, your attitude is not helping in your favor either way, guilty or not.


I suggest a change in character, or don't come back as you stated in OP.

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is there any way i can see the reason for the ban or is that only for staff to see... lol i'd be interested in the reason


The banning admin has 24 hours to supply a reason and sufficient evidence, otherwise, the ban will be lifted. Thanks for understanding :)

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The ban wasn't accidental, nor were you banned for hacking,


You were banned for your shitty attitude. You were awping for a good while, you died, I bought it ahead of you. The response I got, "Hello there *Jumps on head" Stands next to / behind me disabling movement*


Come back in a week and ask for an unban.


By the way, playing on our servers a lot? You played an hour.




Last Connect: Thursday 25th June 2009 10:36:36 pm (Total: 3 Connects)

Total Connection Time: 0d 01:06:44h


Just because you're a pub star doesn't allow you to be a douchebag. OMG HEZ SO GUD I TINK HE HAX DOUGH SO I CAN BAN HIM.


Like I said, come back in a week.

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