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Vessel Update Released


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Vessel v1.06

- Added a keyconfig option. Open 'keyconfig.ini' in the Vessel folder using a text editor to customize the keys.

- Fixed a problem with the ending not displaying the correct result (an important asset could go missing in certain circumstances)

- Removed some exploits for getting extra protoplasm

- Fixed a crash in the orchard level at the end of chapter 2 when loading a save game

- Fixed an exploit on the first orchard puzzle

- Added a missing wall allowing an exploit in factory chaser puzzle

- Altered a factory puzzle that was too easy if you got the chaser seed then backtracked.

- Fixed a wall you could fall through off a ladder in factory

- Fixed an elevator not working well if you recall from the top in factory

- Can no longer grab the big tree

- Can no longer grab seed jar bubbles out of the samplers

- Damage screen was showing at bad times

- Player emotes during intro now when door closes

- 'Finishing the Accelerator' journal entry now appears even if you don't go up and look at the chalkboard immediately.

- Fixed a crash in the factory when using seeds by the spinning fan puzzle





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