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cant access thread off google?


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wildbill, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


i get this every time i try to view the link below through google search.




above link = https://hellsgamers.com/be/threads/45810-PERP-2-5-Mixtures


just hoping someone can clarify why i cannot view this thread? im just looking for a good list of mixtures online :/

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Yeah, my thread (that one above) got deleted a while back :( a lot of PERP threads did when everything got organized :P


This thread is also very handy.


Luckily, I kept the contents of that thread in a notepad document, in case something, like a deletion, happened.


I'll edit this post in a few hours with the info when I get home from work :)





Bullet casings (NEED STOVE)
-1 piece of metal $250
-1 metal polish $300
TOTAL: $550

Pistol ammo
-1 piece of metal $250
-1 bullet casings $550
-1 cardboard box $150
TOTAL: $950

Rifle ammo (need to have made 1 Uzi or AK-47 to unlock)
-2 piece of metal (250x2) $500
-1 bullet casings $550
-1 chunk of plastic $200
TOTAL: $1250

Shotgun (Buckshot) ammo (need to have made 1 Shotgun to unlock)
-2 chunk of plastic (200x2) $400
-1 cardboard box $150
-1 bullet casings $550
TOTAL: $1100


-2 piece of metal (250x2) $500
-1 bucket of paint $150
-1 metal polish $300
TOTAL: $950

-2 piece of metal (250x2) $500
-1 chunk of plastic $200
-2 bucket of paint (150x2) $300
TOTAL: $1000

Desert eagle (need 5 Dexterity)
-3 piece of metal (250x3) $750
-2 chunk of plastic (200x2) $400
TOTAL: $1150


AK-47 (need level 4 sub-machine gun marksmanship)
-2 Wooden Board (100x2) $200
-1 bucket of paint $150
-5 piece of metal (250x5) $1250
TOTAL: $1600


-4 piece of metal (250x4) $1000
-1 metal rod $150
-1 metal polish $300
TOTAL: $1450

Sub-Machine Guns

Uzi (need 4 Shotgun marksmanship)
-4 piece of metal (250x4) $1000
-1 chunk of plastic $200
-1 bucket of paint $150
-1 metal rod $150
TOTAL: $1500


Molotov Cocktail
-1 propane tank $1500
-2 paper towels (200x2) $400
-1 Empty bottle (need to drink 1 bottle of beer to acquire) $200
TOTAL: $2100

Car Bomb (need 4 Perception and 8 Crafting)
-10 piece of metal (250x10) $2500
-3 metal rod (250x3) $750
-4 propane tank (1500x4) $6000
-7 chunk of plastic (200x7) $1400
TOTAL: $10650

NOTE: All material pricing here rely on 0% taxes, adjust prices accordingly.

With these Genetics and Skills, you can make all weapons and ammo mixtures except for Deagles and Car Bombs:

-4 Intelligence
-4 Dexterity
-2 Perception

-6 Pistol marksmanship
-4 Rifle marksmanship 
-4 Shotgun marksmanship
-4 Sub-Machine Gun marksmanship

Edited by Angel Descends
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