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Suggested Trade Server Rules.


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Every decent trade server has them, so users know what to expect from the server and can trade in a safe environment.

If these rules are implemented it's my suggestion that there be a popup the user must agree to before they are allowed on the server. If they agree they are let in, if they don't the get kicked.


Suggested Server Rules


Do Not Spam Chat/Mic Spam

Do No misrepresent what you are trading

Respect the Admins and their decisions


No user raffles are allowed at all.

No Admin Impersonation

If you are going to spycrab anything over a bills in value, and admin middleman is required.

Trade Fairly


Most of these are pretty self explanatory but I'll go into detail about the raffles and the spycrab rules.


No user raffles should be allowed because 90% of them are scams. I would know, since I was a victim of one once. It's easier to simply not allow users to raffle things. Now if HG wants to hold a raffle that's different and allowed by the rules.


As far as spy-crabbing goes I see this more on unusual servers, but basically the admin midddleman is to prevent spycrab runners and keep everyone honest. Also a bills hat is the value because anything below that generally isn't worth an admin middleman. However, spycrab runners will also be punished in any form if seen. Including steam rep reports.

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agreed it is needed, but a few changes:


chat spam...it happens all the time, that is the point of trading, and is unavoidable and policing it is too subjective, like a potential freekill in JB. If it isnt about a trade, then it should be against the rules. AKA not pertinent to trading.



Misrepresenting what you are trading...That i agree with, if you are masking what the item you have is. Also known as, dont lie about what you have, but not anything to do with prices.


Trade Fairly...Too subjective, as are all prices in tf2, so if you ask for 2 rec for your buds, then it shouldn't be against the rules, and if you want a buds for 2 rec, people police themselves and let them know they are idiots Solution: dont scam others with the intent of trading unfairly

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