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Favorite JB memory?


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Ah, so many good memories. One that really stuck out in my head was once, a T ran from inside of big cage all the way up to armory yelling on his mic "Don't kill me, There Is Something Wrong!". He actually made it inside of armory, got a gun and ended up killing a few CTs. It was hilarious.

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Probably when JJK no-clipped himself as a T just at the gate of VIP. All the T's were told to move and he was screaming something like, "I'M NOT FUCKING GOING!" The CT's dumped tons of rounds into him like idiots and I'm sure they were all thinking..."why the hell isn't he dying?"

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fav memories?




people getting banned for !restart


the high octane sport of trying to get into armory before lead said no armory


factions always yelling ahhhhh


not getting tired of the same thing after hours and hours of the same thing


mccain (?) inventing jg wentworth days


when rawr ash actually tried to seduce the jbnerds (so much less effort these days!)


the time when "go to the closest corner of sauna" (and people didn't pronounce sauna weird to be funny) while being at sauna already tarp: massive t kills


super zombie freeday = no killing ts whatsoever


Yea that's all i can think of right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Factions tried to get lead like 10 rounds straight and everyone time his little sausages failed to type fast enough and he would ask to get lead and nobody would give it to him so he would say "Fine then i'm not helping" and would sit in Knife Arena Vents all round until he was slayed for camping b4 last.


Also, 321 as lead. 50 seconds left and we were given orders to take a step out of our cells but nobody cared because he was that cool.


Dying for HG Communty JB event :3

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( this is on YouTube) it was when jjk was doing cha cha slide day on big cage. The rules were you fall of and die and follow orders of die.

The song did what it usually does until he says to the left, it repeats it like 20 times. And all the t's die because they either fall off or don't move.

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Mine was joining the server and playing back when there was. No mic spam. No hl dj and no annoying music simply to be annoying.


Then you must not play when I am on Zekk, my HLDJ library is quality. Not a whole lot of songs in there by popular bands but the music I stock has been given the best care in conversion thati can possibly give.

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There are fuckloads, but my most recent one is:


Random CT: "Watch out Angel has a bomb!"

Lead CT: "Relax, he's on Big Cage and I'm on the cat-walk, there's no way he could possibl-" *BOOM* *Kills Lead and multiple CT's*

Dead Chat: "LMAO" "Aw shit..." "Fuckin' Angel".



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