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Merch Design (Tshirt) - Round 1


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I like none of the above.




it might just be how its been made with no texture of whatever but i dont like them, if it was going to be one of them, id choose no. 1

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There needs to be some form of advertisement, like putting the website address on the back. Te front is way to large on the first 2 an the last 2 are girly. I think it would be better of we can get more than one person to designn them. Open it up to the community and more to get the best ideas.

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There needs to be some form of advertisement, like putting the website address on the back. Te front is way to large on the first 2 an the last 2 are girly. I think it would be better of we can get more than one person to designn them. Open it up to the community and more to get the best ideas.


Well, the first 2 were done by Nonhacker and I think Homer.


the last 2 I threw the stars on because I thought it was cute :) (aka for the women of HG)

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I think the logo should honestly be in the center at the chest. I know that whole bottom corner thing is good for clothing brands, but for a shirt that's primarily to show off a gaming community and advertise its address... It would be best in the center IMO. I could see a Red HG logo with White "HG" in the center on the chest and then (for males) a blood spatter/other relevant design down the side while the stars for a girl seem like a nice touch.

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I like the first shirt, not bad looking at all. As a question, will this be the ONLY design available? or will there be different types? Like laz said, the shirt would look good if the logo was centered on the upper part of the torso. An idea would be The Hellsgamers logo with the big HG in the middle of it, like mentioned. Or have the Hellsgamers logo again centered on the upper torso with the format of Hell *logo* Gamers.(Example of that idea is the CS:GO logo

) The web address almost seems unneeded to me in a way. If it is included, maybe have it just be "Hellsgamers.com" or just "Hellsgamers". The colors and everything fit well. I think the extra design such as stars, blood splatter and ETC is unneeded and makes the shirt seem tossed together in a way. But then again, if done right, some of those extras could look really nice and becaome more of an eye catcher. Another idea to throw in is putting the HG logo on on of the sleeves. Well thats all i got so far. Will edit if i come up with any other idea and such.
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I like the first shirt, not bad looking at all. As a question, will this be the ONLY design available? or will there be different types? Like laz said, the shirt would look good if the logo was centered on the upper part of the torso. An idea would be The Hellsgamers logo with the big HG in the middle of it, like mentioned. Or have the Hellsgamers logo again centered on the upper torso with the format of Hell *logo* Gamers.(Example of that idea is the CS:GO logo
) The web address almost seems unneeded to me in a way. If it is included, maybe have it just be "Hellsgamers.com" or just "Hellsgamers". The colors and everything fit well. I think the extra design such as stars, blood splatter and ETC is unneeded and makes the shirt seem tossed together in a way. But then again, if done right, some of those extras could look really nice and becaome more of an eye catcher. Another idea to throw in is putting the HG logo on on of the sleeves. Well thats all i got so far. Will edit if i come up with any other idea and such.



Why would you not want the website of you don't mind me asking?

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The web address almost seems unneeded to me in a way. If it is included, maybe have it just be "Hellsgamers.com" or just "Hellsgamers".


That would be like Abercrombie and Fitch not putting their name on their clothing, and they are a worldwide known clothing company. We are one of the largest gaming communities, but we are not worldwide.


Also, whats the difference between hellsgamers.com and http://www.hellsgamers.com? Other than the http:// version looks cleaner.

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