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Abusive admin HG DEMON


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Name: -hg- Demon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42307036

Server: Serious RP

Time: about 3 am

Proof: http://s1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii635/glom742/?albumview=slideshow

Comments: He "tpd by axdent"(but now its not a axdent) to ethan who he " thoguht ethan was a hitman" to tell him that you cant raid becuase mob boss died (which means he knew he was a gangster and not a hitman, or knew he was a hitman who was falsely raiding cuz hitman cant raid with mob boss....) But he waited what he thought was 2 minutes to do this....??!?!? (he said he timed himself... also said at first he walked and did not tp, in his post in this thread he says he waited 2 minutes to not break nlr even tho he was not planing on raiding but planed to tell ethan some bs and was also just walking to his house which was near the pd and no where near our base...???) In reality he tped as soon as he respawned and since he as a mob boss had no gun... he used his gravity gun to help his friends by moving a broken door out of their way...... It doesnt bother me so much that these events happened as there was only like 7 people on and it can get rather slow and boring without the action... it bothers me that he lies through his teeth and tries to get away from just admiting it, which tells me he does not have the gull to be an admin, and that he plans on doing this w.e.t.h he pleases. He is just digging himself a deeper and deeper hole every time he opens his mouth...


I thought this admin was cool and was very excited to find a server with a anal admin that nitpics everything, as i like a solid game..... However i have come to find he is only anal for his own personal gain.... He talks like he knows how to break the rules "you have no proof" lewl my friend j-rolla was unfortunately bluffing about the screen caps :(


Anyways seeing as he is on everytime i play it is rele getting rather annoying... esp since its not just some random A-hole player, but a admin with all kindsa power to be a jerk, and ruin the gameplay of all us hg player......


pls for the love of god fix this so i can enjoy this awesome rp :)


thanks, daiwashi


PS. Make the money printers digital and constant :D




oh just thought of this... not sure what the time is between paydays but.. if its like 1 or 2 minutes that could prove in the chat that he is full of shit :)


edit: just added another pic to slideshow.... the first pic shows him now saying he didnt even know ethan was at our base..... so ethan was rele busy being a hitman a gangster, not teleported to, teleported to on accident and teleported to on purpose. And also both being there and not being there all at the same time - best micromanaging skills ever!!! lol


I noticed this chat as i was scrolling thru the chat box that i still have up and will have up until this is resolved if u want more pics of chat just ask....

Edited by daiwashi
cleaning up my mess..... and adding more
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oh ok ty srry im a bit nubish lol.... is there anyway to screenshot without camera i have the chat still up on homepage just couldnt figure how to take pic




i googled lol... anyways


Name: -hg- Demon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42307036

Server: Serious RP

Time: about 3 am

Proof: looks like there was errors on uploads will send them to whoever when needed :)

Comments: and i took 3 screenshots of the chat so they cant be tampered with like copy paste can heh


kk i think i uploaded them... anyways lotsa work for all this... hope it wasn't all in vain

Edited by JessicaJoy
merged 3 posts
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I teleported to etan to tell him you cant raid that place because the mob boss died. I never walked inside, waited outside on what it seemed like 2 minutes and got shot while crossing the house. Im sorry about this misunderstanding. I never planed on going in, i was just walking to my house.

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Copy and pasting console is not a form of valid proof, you need to take screenshot's next time. I've also taken a look at the logs from yesterday and I am unable to find this conversation.



Ill leave this thread open for 24hours for you to post proof if you have any. Thanks.

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wow changing his story again, he had plenty of time to say what ever bs he was talking about saying, but instead was busy using a gravity gun to move a door out of the way of his friends, my friend told me that after he kicked me he used his phys gun to pull him out of the house and so that the hitman who he hired to hit me kill and not j-rolla kill j-rolla, i do not have proof of these things but i do have screenshots of my begining quarry...... i tried to post them once it did not work i will try again



error#2038 not sure why its giving me problems, it is a .png file sooooo

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wow changing his story again, he had plenty of time to say what ever bs he was talking about saying, but instead was busy using a gravity gun to move a door out of the way of his friends, my friend told me that after he kicked me he used his phys gun to pull him out of the house and so that the hitman who he hired to hit me kill and not j-rolla kill j-rolla, i do not have proof of these things but i do have screenshots of my begining quarry...... i tried to post them once it did not work i will try again



error#2038 not sure why its giving me problems, it is a .png file sooooo


Prove me running inside... I didnt run in you have no proof.

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He "tpd by axdent"(but now its not a axdent) to ethan who he " thoguht ethan was a hitman" to tell him that you cant raid becuase mob boss died (which means he knew he was a gangster and not a hitman, or knew he was a hitman who was falsely raiding cuz hitman cant raid with mob boss....) But he waited what he thought was 2 minutes to do this....??!?!? (he said he timed himself... also said at first he walked and did not tp, in his post in this thread he says he waited 2 minutes to not break nlr even tho he was not planing on raiding but planed to tell ethan some bs and was also just walking to his house which was near the pd and no where near our base...???) In reality he tped as soon as he respawned and since he as a mob boss had no gun... he used his gravity gun to help his friends by moving a broken door out of their way...... It doesnt bother me so much that these events happened as there was only like 7 people on and it can get rather slow and boring without the action... it bothers me that he lies through his teeth and tries to get away from just admiting it, which tells me he does not have the gull to be an admin, and that he plans on doing this w.e.t.h he pleases. He is just digging himself a deeper and deeper hole every time he opens his mouth...


been on this thread all day waiting to see if i can go back to playing on this server or not :/ so srry if i seem repetitive

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Prove me running inside... I didnt run in you have no proof.


1. never said u ran inside.

2. you dont need to run inside to be in the process of raiding

3. why would you be worried about the 2 minute rule so much if your intentions were so innocent?

4. ur full of crap in every way when u try explaining how u waited 2 minutes, when in reality u tped instantly after respawn....

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Stop the needless bickering. Demon, don't teleport to anyone unless they need help from an admin. And a simple message in OOC to tell the "Ethan" that he shouldn't raid would have been good enough. And daiwashi, it seems there was a lot of miscommunication going on. It might have been an axdent and a misunderstanding. These things happen. But if an admin tells you to drop it. Either drop it, or bring it to the forums.


If you have better proof, please make a new report.

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