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Night Shife Zombies


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Just got a new job, been working the night shifts (10 PM - 7 AM ) for the last three weeks and I just have to say that I feel like a zombie. Humans were not made for this type of work, at 3:00 in the morning we should be asleep. But then again, I can't really complain.. at least I have a job, which is better than not having one in this economy.


Any one else work night shift right now? Or have ever worked it?

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Well, I'm actually stocking shelves at Walmart. It's kinda nice because I can go to college and work, because they work around my night shift schedule. Hopefully, I won't have to be here for more than a year.


The people who do over night stocking at Walmart have my respect. It's a lot more work than you would expect, plus customers can be a pain. Not to mention, you're already half a sleep when some rude customer comes in and insults you.

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