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Huge Mistake! ARGH


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Ever heard the saying that "No Good Favor Goes Unpunished" ?


Well here is a perfect example.


Well, a few days ago I bought my dad an HD Roku box (http://www.roku.com). Not going to lie - the thing is awesome. Tons of movies and everything, but it has it's downside.


My dad has been glued to this thing while he is not at work. That's fine, but the bad part is that it drains my internet connection. My ping in counter strike is normally around 40 - 60 ... when this internet vampire AKA Roku is turned on my ping shoots up to around 400-800 (NO LIE).


I must find a way to destroy this thing. It has ruined my gaming experience. Yeah.. I have already told my dad what's up. But it's like trying to take a new purse away from a women. Not going to happen.


I must destroy it while he goes to work. Must.

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