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Bhop Admins


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hey guys

well im always on your bhop severs when ever im playing

but ive never once seen a admin playing before on bhop severs

its not all that bad being in there with cool people who arent duces

but accasionally there are

people abuse the mic (kids and djs)

people dont take tunrs

and abuse the !tele and !save settings

i think there should be someone in there to stop it or give them a warning

also some people like to use scouts and only admins can give them that if there isnt a scout on the map

so hopefully you can find someone who is a person who enjoys bhoping all the time and enjoys it at the same time

and if there is already an admin and hes always on when im not

just prove me wrong

but im on those severs about 3 or 4 hours a day

thanks for reading



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