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A dissapointment in hg


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I am rather disappointed in hellsgamers about the racism rule. You bann people by saying "n***a" (Which isnt a bad word at all) while "n****r" is a reasonable bannable offense. I got banned and demoted for saying "n***a" which means buddy pal homie or friend. Now i understand being banned for the ER one, but there IS a difference. I am a bit mad at hellsgamers for not knowing the difference of the 2 words, so I am posting this so that people can know that there is a difference between the words and wont get banned over sillyness. And if i am permenantly demoted and/or have to re-do my [HG] promotion application, im probobly just gonna boycott hg due to the fact that you guys dont understand the difference between 2 simple words.

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What's funny is that I have occasionally heard people say other racist things like the mexican version of that word and even sometimes Nazi phrases like "Sieg Heil", they are just told to shut up but for some reason the N word is just completely taboo. It's not just HG, it's just how it is everywhere.

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You say you are 42 years old yet you have the mentality of italk when he was 6. Have fun with your boycott


Mother of God.............. Shit just got real.


How do you boycott an internet gaming community which you don't pay to be a part of? Lol... That's like saying you're boycotting the monkey bars at the school playground.

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Both are racial slurs and because we cannot differentiate context easily on the internet. Both are not acceptable for usage at all.


Argue all you want, but it is on the basis on context.


If you have a problem with it, HeLLsGamers may not be for you then.



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