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Taking photoshop requests


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Hello, in order to improve on photoshop, I believe I should take requests and such. Please note I am a beginner and don't care whether you wear it or not


Please use the following template:


1. Colors:

2. What do you want it to say:

3. Any specific font:

4. What type of Background:

5. What images:

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe):


I hope some people reply, so I can improve :)

Edited by GreyLlama
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1. Colors

Orange and Black


2. What do you want it to say



3. Any specific font



4. What type of Background

Up to you


5. What images

Up to you


6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe)

Avatar - 200x200px

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Can You Make Me a Spray That Says Reaper Like This Я3AP3R And Its Red In OldEnglish And Its Transparent Back ground WIth a cool Design And Possibly Avatar and signatue to match if not too much :) Ty :)



Can you please use this template?


1. Colors:

2. What do you want it to say:

3. Any specific font:

4. What type of Background:

5. What images:

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe):

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1. Colors: Red Black

2. What do you want it to say: Я3ĄṖ3R

3. Any specific font: Old English

4. What type of Background: Transparent

5. What images: http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1680&bih=882&tbm=isch&tbnid=-sKHldwwDTWtUM:&imgrefurl=http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Grim_Reaper_(folklore)&docid=1LxyNjkqqJQ2NM&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/villains/images/f/f0/Reaper.jpg&w=480&h=525&ei=47uCT9eVMcXh0QGz5Mn7Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1077&vpy=169&dur=629&hovh=235&hovw=215&tx=132&ty=131&sig=109480593314332234660&page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:148

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): If You Can Do all 3 Thats Great :) Thanks

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1. Colors: Red Black2. What do you want it to say: ï3ĄṖ3R 3. Any specific font: Old English 4. What type of Background: Transparent5. What images: Grim Reaper Link (too long so I don't have a huge ass quote)6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): If You Can Do all 3 Thats Great :) Thanks


reaper_spray_th.png spray


reaper_avatar_th.png avatar


reaper_transparent_th.png transparent sig.


reaper_semi_th.png 50-50 transparent sig.


I thought I'd make you a non transparent sig, just if you change your mind about a transparent background. Anyway this is all I can do. I need to get some sleep.


I hope you like it, if not tell me which ones you want me to redo.


EDIT: I just noticed the signatures are way too big. I'll resize them tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.

Edited by GreyLlama
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I resized and made sure everything was transparent, I can't believe I missed that. Sorry.











THESE ARE THE UPDATED ONES! The signatures are resized, so you don't need to use them unless you want to. The spray and avatar are now transparent, so use those ones.

Edited by GreyLlama
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For Archer:


1. Colors: Light blue color (Name on the forums)

2. What do you want it to say: Archer and Division Advisor

3. Any specific font: HG font

4. What type of Background: Transparent

5. What images: CSS related

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): Spray please. Thanks in advance!



archers_spray_trans_th.png There you go :3

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1. Colors:Gray and Blue

2. What do you want it to say: Jake The Dog and Hellsgamers Anywhre nice

3. Any specific font:Nope

4. What type of Background: Any background just use the color Gray

5. What images:http://mi9.com/wallpaper/cool-robot-face_321// Image on the Right

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): Spray and Avatar Please :)

Edited by Jake the Dog
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1. Colors:Gray and Blue

2. What do you want it to say: Jake The Dog and Hellsgamers Anywhre nice

3. Any specific font:Nope

4. What type of Background:

5. What images:http://mi9.com/wallpaper/cool-robot-face_321/ Image on the Right

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): Spray and Avatar Please :)


You need to fill out #4, please. The sooner you do the quicker I can start.


I Cant Get Spray To Spray With Transparent Background :( im Sorry For Buggin you :( it wont let me use it cuz its png for some reason i trryed saving as bmp didnt change anthing


Have you tried using the updated ones I've posted? I've made sure they were all transparent. If that doesn't work, I'll change it to jpeg for you, but I'm not sure if the transparency will stay.

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1. Colors: Green and sort of a light touch of red and black here and there.

2. What do you want it to say: [HG] Ozzy

3. Any specific font: Not really just sort of like a cool "Natural" looking type of font.

4. What type of Background: Up to you really maybe a weird looking tree?

5. What images: Up to you

6. Signature, Spray, Avatar or Other (please describe): Signature and avatar both for the HG fourms please.


Thanks so much.

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I tried pretty hard on the signature for it to blend, but I couldn't think of anything to do for the avatar that was worth showing. If you'd like to send in another template and picture for the avatar, I'd be more then happy to try again.

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